Bank holiday Monday

Aug 30, 2021 15:45

Today we got up fairly quickly and after breakfast we went to the Edenbridge and Oxted Agricultural Show which is a big event usually staged each year (which of course missed last year!). The main focus of the show is the agricultural events such as the showing of the rare breeds of pigs, cows, sheep and horses, but there's a lot of other exhibitions there including vintage agricultural vehicles and cars, crafts and loads of food and drink stalls (of course!), ducks, chickens, goats and even water buffalo! We also enjoyed the local crafts such as the basket weavers, the blacksmiths and the various shows such as the show jumping and the dog agility exhibition.  Action shot:

You can see from the sky that it wasn't a very nice day and did rain slightly on and off - the forecast of 19C/68F was accurate, but it was windy so felt colder which is such a shame for August! We were in coats and scarves and at one point wished we'd brought gloves.... We arrived about 8.15am and left about 12.30 after we'd grabbed some lunch which was enough as it was getting very crowded by then and we'd pretty much seen everything we wanted to and walked nearly four miles.

Now we are relaxing as when we got in we had to sort out the TV which had stopped working last night. It turned out the software update it had yesterday had screwed up almost everything on the TV so it wouldn't 'talk' to any of the other equipment attached to it. We eventually did a hard reset back to factory settings and had to spend about an hour reinstalling various bits to get it all working again *ack!*

This evening we have nothing planned - we shall relax some more.....

Today's question: 30. What’s the largest animal you’ve ever had as a pet? Nothing larger than a cat *g*

picspam, new365meme, outings, family

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