Thursday musings

Aug 19, 2021 20:20

Forecast 20C/19F cloudy
Actual weather - the odd ray of sunshine and some positively warm weather over lunchtime. Rain is forecast for later though it hasn't happened yet and it's currently very humid.

I didn't sleep well last night - I have a sneaking suspicion that the huge amount of sugar I ate yesterday probably was whizzing around my body all night and I woke up at 7am feeling quite tired, so I took a while to join Mr Cee for breakfast.

I spent the first couple of hours trying to find some music to dance to for the new bellydance teacher's online show. I need to get something done soon, but until I find something I like that fits in with what I want to dance I'm stumped *sigh*. At 10am we had our online Tai Chi lesson which Mr Cee managed to join despite it being book-ended by meetings for him today. We both got quite hot!

After the lesson I practiced with my veil poi in the garden, but it was quite breezy, so that didn't work out very well even though I'm getting better at whoosing the veils about and they do look rather effective until they end up tangled up round my head LOL!  I also watered all the pots on the deck and deadheaded all the stuff in the garden that needed it. I need to get some late summer plants as there's not much flowering in the garden at the moment. I see a garden centre visit in my future.

We had a later lunch as Mr Cee had a meeting, but it was OK as Thursday's is Pilates day. I was lazy after lunch and decided to check out a series that passed me by called Scorpion about a group of high IQ geniuses that solve crime with Homeland Security (yes, it's as believeable as it sounds but OK for all that).

In the evening my Pilates lesson was as challenging as usual and there were only three of us this week! So of course there was nowhere to hide and I got back feeling very tired and very hot.  So now I've had a shower and we are watching TV and relaxing.

19. Which season do you think is the prettiest?
I particularly like the end of Spring when all the leaves on the trees are still new, fresh bright green and feathery and all the Spring flowers are out. It's a pretty time only rivalled by Autumn when all the leaves are gorgeously coloured (but before they all fall off  *g*).

pilates, new365meme, bellydance

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