This morning I started early as unusually things meshed together for once! I had someone return a grey mirror they'd bought from my Etsy shop a week or so ago, and last night someone wanted to buy a grey mirror! So that worked out OK and I packed up the mirror and took it to the post office which happens to be nearby to my dentist as I had an appointment this morning.
Having had a lovely day weather-wise yesterday, today it's cold, wet and miserable! I was collecting a tooth whitening system from my dentist as I drink too much black coffee and red wine to have shiny white teeth! My teeth are not hugely discoloured, but as the dentist was offering a gentle system to lighten them a little bit I thought I'd treat myself. It's not as if I've been spending much money during this looooong lockdown *g*. My dentist is close to a posh supermarket, so I also went and bought some more unusual groceries on the way home.
After lunch I've had the last one of A Jolly Good Murder course. The course has been a bit hit and miss - mostly because the people on it are rather 'clicky' which means it's difficult to comment on anything as they talk over you. I don't mind as I've enjoyed the course, but the teacher isn't very effective in her online classroom management. These courses have varied a lot in quality - and this tutor does tend to talk to the participants as if they are 6 year old children. It wasn't expensive and not too long so I don't mind, but I haven't enjoyed it as much as the art courses I've been doing.
I don't have much else planned for this afternoon, but I think I'll make some meatballs for dinner and they take a while to do from scratch.
Today's question: 10. If you had no work or other obligations tomorrow I would…
I have no work at the moment (which is nice after the busy time I had in February), but I do have obligations. So if I didn't have any tomorrow I would probably read some of the huge pile of books that I have lying around and keep meaning to look at!
Local estimated Covid cases are down to 348. We are all watching to see what happens over the next couple of weeks now all the schools are back.
We are now in Stage 1, Part 1 on the lockdown '
roadmap' which I keep having to look up to find out what I should be doing as it's all very dependent on the way the infection rate goes. Stage 1, Part 2 happens on the 29th March, then Stage 2 on the 12th April when I'm keeping everything crossed that my hairdresser can open up again.
It's been 352 days since the first full lockdown officially started on 23rd March 2020.