Yesterday we were told that the whole country is going into a strict full lockdown (Tier 5) until mid February. For the last couple of weeks different parts of the country have been in Tier 3 and Tier 4, but it's not worked and the numbers infected with this new variant of the virus keep going up and up. The schools, colleges and universities are closed for all but the children of the key workers. It looks like my Art Appreciation adult education class will go back online which is a shame as I really enjoyed being back in the socially distanced classroom. Strangely the pre-schools are still open which doesn't make any sense to me as those are the ages that you need a lot of physical contact with, and there's nothing I've seen to say the little ones don't pass on the virus just as much as those who have just started school...
Having thought this would happen I managed to secure a grocery delivery on Monday of all the heavy store cupboard things we rely on like cat food, so we're set up for ingredients to make stuff for the next week or so as my veg deliveries have started up again this week. We'll just need fresh items like salad or fruit if we fancy it, but we can walk to local stores to get things like that. As we'd run down the freezer food and made some space I've made a few things ahead so we have some good home cooked stuff that just needs to be reheated which will save time and energy. I just need to make a couple of loaves to go into the freezer and we'll be OK for a bit.
I find myself craving going out and seeing friends, but everyone is as fed up as I am and we all seem to be hunkering down and ignoring each other in the colder weather - the days are dark and miserable so that's not helping *sigh*.
I have been trying to keep myself busy. I've had two long meetings with the bellydance mentor, so I've got some stuff to sort out for her. I've also spent time in the glass studio. I made a few of the little stained glass hummingbirds which are good for using up little bits of awkward shaped glass. I have a spot in my living room where I've tried to get plants to grow in a hanging basket but having lost the second (expensive) plant I had in that spot I've given up. Instead I'm going to make a mobile of the little birds to hang in the corner. So far I've done a prototype, but I need to slightly change how I've done it to add a few more birds and to make it easier to hang. I don't think it looks too bad as an idea though (photos get bigger with a click):
I might put it up on my Esty shop but it will be expensive, so I think I'll make some smaller ones just to test the likelihood of sales (maybe with just 3 birds). It's a project....
Tonight I have an online course about Neuromechanics which I'm looking forward to and I'm going to join in with the bellydance mentor's dance class straight afterwards and that's always fun.
4. Do you miss anything from your teenage years?
I miss a lot of those friendships as many of my old friends have moved a long way away and we lost touch. This was before social media so although I've made contact with a few of them again it's not the same. Most of my friends are not very tech-savvy so they also don't really like using technology which makes it harder to keep in touch too. I don't miss the stresses of exams or the fact as a teenager my views on things were often overlooked and I had to rely on my parents for stuff. It's much nicer being an adult as I have financial freedom and independence :)
5. What about your current life situation makes you feel grateful?
I have Mr Cee! I have a nice house, a large garden, interesting places I can go and walk and we have no worries about money as Mr Cee still has his job. I'm eternally grateful I don't have to worry about a mortgage any more and that my boys still have their jobs so there's no worry about them losing their homes. All that makes me very relieved and grateful!