Wednesday (day 255 - out of lockdown into a kind of demilockdown)

Dec 02, 2020 16:25

We are officially out of the full lockdown, instead we are in Tier 2 (High alert) which allows almost everything to open but we aren't allowed to socialise indoors (Tier 1 is medium, and Tier 3 is Very High and pretty much hasn't opened up anything). This week we are allowed back into the dance studio which is going to be weird after so much online ( Read more... )

365meme20, demi lockdown, covid19, christmas

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Comments 10

teragramm December 2 2020, 16:31:49 UTC
We are officially out of the full lockdown, instead we are in Tier 2 (High alert) which allows almost everything to open but we aren't allowed to socialise indoors That's wonderful!! Stay safe!


kazzy_cee December 2 2020, 16:47:55 UTC
I have everything crossed that we will - AND I'm avoiding all the shops that are open.... ;)


brutti_ma_buoni December 2 2020, 20:41:28 UTC
Hah. It's the season for putting the double quilt on. I was very snuggly last night (though it took me aaaages to wrestle the cover on).

Glad you got your hair done. I think we'll ever underappreciate some services like that after this year. I've been very lucky with timing for mine - did it early in March, then in July and mid October. So I only had a smidge of an overrun in June, and if I'd been desperate I could have got a cut by then!


kazzy_cee December 3 2020, 08:28:25 UTC
Yes I'm really pleased I got my hair done as the lockdowns managed to coincide with my hair appointments both times! I was getting a bit twitchy about it as I thought it might be cancelled again. I've booked another appointment just after Christmas so I'm hoping that one is safe.

I don't mind going a while without an appointment (apart from my extremely grey roots which I have to disguise with one of those root cover up spray thingies!) but I do like to have that one bit of pampering as I don't really do much of that.


kathyh December 2 2020, 22:44:57 UTC
I'm always being told off for hogging the duvet but I swear it gets piled on top of me as J always says he's too hot until he's suddenly too cold.

I've got to wait another two weeks for my hair appointment and I'm starting to wish I had an earlier one!


kazzy_cee December 3 2020, 08:31:34 UTC
Ha! I claim that Mr Cee does that but then I've woken up wrapped up like a burrito, so maybe he's right LOL!

I was getting a bit worried about my hair appointment as the lock downs coincided with them last time. I've got another one straight after Christmas which might be safe as long as everyone is sensible over the holidays *crosses everything*


curiouswombat December 3 2020, 18:20:07 UTC
We used to have a paired duvet like that - but these days we have 2 separate ones. I used to rather like the two that fastened together.

Well done on getting the mistletoe mended in time!

I have some cards not written.... I must get on with them.


kazzy_cee December 6 2020, 08:43:17 UTC
I do love a snuggly duvet.

The mistletoe orders have gone bonkers - I have so many to make now! LOL!


thismaz December 5 2020, 09:53:12 UTC
Tier 3, Tier 3, Tier 3, Grump *g* I is envious.


kazzy_cee December 6 2020, 08:43:43 UTC
I know! It's not good that people are still spreading the virus in some areas......


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