Wednesday (day 255 - out of lockdown into a kind of demilockdown)

Dec 02, 2020 16:25

We are officially out of the full lockdown, instead we are in Tier 2 (High alert) which allows almost everything to open but we aren't allowed to socialise indoors (Tier 1 is medium, and Tier 3 is Very High and pretty much hasn't opened up anything). This week we are allowed back into the dance studio which is going to be weird after so much online. Pilates stays online as it's better suited to online lessons, but I'm glad we'll be back dancing together, even if we have to stay a meter apart.

Mr Cee put the extra duvet onto the bed last night. We have one that is made up of two quilts - one a Summer weight, one a Winter weight and we combine both when the nighttime temperature start to get low. Mr Cee told me I was hogging the duvet the night before last and he woke up completely uncovered, so that's a hint it's colder at night LOL! We both slept very well last night under the combined warmth of both quilts.

This morning I spent time repairing one of the mistletoe ornaments I made for my hairdresser as I dropped one of them and it cracked! So I got that done and packed up the 10 of them to take with me to my hairdressing appointment this morning. My hairdresser had a knee replacement operation a few weeks ago, and she's actually been quite pleased about the last lockdown which closed the hairdressing salons as it gave her more time to recover. She's doing well, just a very swollen and stiff knee that's slowly getting the movement back. My hair looks fabulous - she's amazed how long it's got - I'm letting it grow just to see how long I can get it (it rarely gets past my shoulders). I'm too old for long hair really, but as I'm not in the corporate world any more I'm going to see what happens.

This afternoon I've been writing Christmas cards and some I posted on the way to the hairdressing salon when I walked there this morning. I've also been chatting through the Etsy messenging service as someone wants to order a mirror but wanted to check on colours. Hopefully we've found something she likes and I'll get on with making it tomorrow.

This evening there will be Mr Cee's Pilates but in the meantime there is a question:

2 If you were a toy, what would you be?
In the summer I would be the Duracell bunny *g* I have so much energy when it's bright and sunny!

365meme20, demi lockdown, covid19, christmas

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