October! Friday - day 194 demi-lockdown

Oct 02, 2020 08:21

We are forecast a lot of rain for the next few days - Autumn is here!  I'm behind as my computer had a small hissy fit last night and decided there was no wifi and the internet didn't exist. Fortunately this was at the end of the day as I spent most of the day staring at the screen.

After spending some time in the glass studio in the morning designing some festive ornaments my first screen lecture was an hour with the curator of the Artemesia Gentileschi exhibition at the National Gallery. It was a fascinating talk about her life and career and I'm even more pleased that I have tickets to the exhibition at the end of this month as it looks really good. Straight after that I had week three of my Pre-Raphaelite course which was very enjoyable as usual. The teacher on this course obviously loves the subject and the 90 minutes disappear incredibly quickly. It's so unlike the Myths and Legends course on a Wednesday where the teacher is still just reading out a handout each week. I was so bored during that lesson this week that I ended up playing a game on my phone *sigh*. This week it was about Chaucer's Canterbury tales and I studied those in so much depth at A level that none of what he said was new. I've downloaded all the handouts he's prepared for the rest of the online course - they are incredibly detailed so I won't feel guilty if I zone out again *g*.

In the evening I hosted the workshop our belly dance teacher had arranged while she's away. She joined us for the workshop which was all about elegant hands and arms. It was interesting to have the moves explained by a different teacher and I think we all learned a lot. It really showed that the teacher who was hosting started out as a Tango and Flamenco dancer. His arms and hands were so elegant and it was fascinating watching him bellydance. In the meantime my bellydance teacher is in Turkey on a belly dance course and the UK government have just said that people travelling there have to self isolate when they return, so our plans to go back to our dance studio have been delayed :(

Today I have work related stuff to do for the bellydance mentor - she's keen for me to learn the customer management system she uses so I've got some training booked. I've pretty much found my way around it by myself, but it will be useful to have some more in depth knowledge. This evening I have another online lecture from the National Gallery - this one is about The Symbolism of Colour which sounds interesting.  At least my brain is keeping active...

In the meantime I have questions:
1 What was the #1 song the year you graduated from high school? Did you like the song? Do you still like it?
The number 1 song was John Travolta and Olivia Newton-John "You're the One that I want". No I didn't like it and I still don't much - also there were quite a few parodies doing the rounds after it came out, so I can't help but hear "He's a wobbly dog" when they sing "He's the one that I want" which rather ruins it LOL!

2 What do you like most about fall?
Autumn is lovely - I like the colours of the trees just before the leaves all fall. I like the crisp mornings, I like walking along in sunshine with crunchy leaves underfoot. I like the first frosts that come towards the end, especially first thing in the morning as the sun rises and catches the twinkly ice crystals - the world becomes magical.

365meme20, online life, demi lockdown, bellydance, covid19

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