Monday - a busy day (day 190 demilockdown)

Sep 28, 2020 20:42

Thank you to everyone who took the time to comment on my post yesterday - it meant a lot :)

We had a good day yesterday - we travelled down to see Eldest Cee. He was happy to see us and we went for a walk on the very, very blustery South coastal promenade next to the beach. We took a washable mask down for EC to have as he's not bothered to get any (nor has he bothered to get a hair cut for months LOL!). and he didn't take it off when we were out as he said it was warm and stopped his hair blowing into his mouth *g* If you click on the picture to make it bigger you can see the wind farm in the distance out to sea.

After we'd been buffeted for an hour we headed back for fish and chips at EC's flat which was very nice - even nicer as he treated us to lunch. We didn't stay too long as there was a section of the motorway which had been closed, so we knew that heading home would take a while, but it was lovely to see him and catch up.  In the end the usual 1 hour 20 minute journey took just over two hours, so not too bad.

Today Lady was supposed to go to the vet to have her booster shot, but of course disappeared, so we've had to reschedule her appoitnment for Friday (she's elusive!!!).  This morning I've been in my glass studio as I had another Etsy order over the weekend. It's much warmer today with bright sunshine, so the electric car is happily charging from our solar panels. I got the mirror made (it needs a few things to finish it off) and I managed to finish cementing the panel I made with proper lead. That now needs to dry and it will take between 7 and 21 days, so I've brought it inside in the hope that the warmth from the house will speed that up a bit.

After a quick lunch I roasted some onion and butternut squash in preparation to make some soup for dinner, and then Mr Cee dropped me at my hair salon for my delayed hair appointment. It was nice to catch up with my hairdresser and we had a really good chat as I was the last appointment of the day for her. They have allowed salons to serve coffee in disposable cups to clients so that was a surprise. I also didn't have to wear my mask as I was the only client in the salon. My hairdresser now has a face shield which incorporates glasses which she says is much more comfortable, she had to wear a mask too.

I got back just in time to join in with the belly boogie/beginners lesson which is now on Mondays. It's the chance to just dance which I miss from our regular lessons as she's doing so much theory in those. I like just dancing for an hour, although my hip is sore now as I've been sitting around too much (yesterday in the car, and today at the hair salon). I'll have to do some proper DaveTJS exercises in the next couple of days as I don't want to have an issue with it again (I'll be sitting again tomorrow in the classroom which won't help). On Facebook our teacher reminded everyone that we would have been in rehearsals for our annual show this week under normal circumstances...... :(

We had a nice dinner of the soup (Mr Cee finished making it while I was dancing) and we've had lots of cuddles with kitties this evening.

28 Is there a book or TV series that you enjoy, but acknowledge that it's not actually very good? What makes you love it enough to keep reading/watching?
I'm reading the Ben Hope books by Scott Mariani which are quite good fun, but the impossible situations the hero gets himself into are really rather silly when you look back on them, but quite well written so escapism at it's finest for these days.

365meme20, stained glass, demi lockdown, bellydance, family

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