15 days until Christmas....

Dec 10, 2018 15:17

December seems to be racing away and now I've had a chance to sort through the various boxes Mr Cee has got down from the loft I have been able to decorate the new Christmas tree. I'm really impressed how lifelike it looks for an artificial tree (it has been moulded from a real tree apparently)!

I like to buy something for the tree each year, and this year I found some lovely blown glass baubles which were horrifyingly expensive (so I only bought 2) but they are so beautiful (photos get bigger with a clicky):

Of course I've got a couple of things I've made on the tree as well (robin and star within a star):

The other thing I've been doing today is planting out the seedlings in my hydroponics system Ikea as I've finally got the additional trays (they ended up sending them to me even though they wouldn't normally do that). The seedlings have got very 'leggy' so I had to abandon several but I have a few and I've planted out some more seeds and I'm determined to keep a better eye on them so they grow on properly. I have seedlings of little gem lettuce, parsley, watercress and three types of basil. I've planted some more lettuce as I think that will be nice to have over the winter. They are living in the utility room as the glass roof and constant temperature from the heated floor should help them grow:

Tonight we are off to the last Odeon Screen Unseen for this year tonight - the clues are as helpful as usual....
1. Like Julian March
2. Along the long lines home
3. Separating last of three, at first
4. Performance from the bridge

?????.... anyone??? I'll update tomorrow after we've seen it!

I'll just finish off with the last two questions of the grateful meme under the cut - it's been nice to have these to do each day. I might drag them out again next year as my answers to most of them could be something different next year :)

29. What friend/family member are you grateful for today?
It goest without saying that I'm grateful for my immediate family, however today I am grateful for Tippi the cat. She is such a very friendly cat - she runs into the bedroom when I open the door in the morning as she hears me moving around and jumps on the bed and falls down purring in ecstacy when I talk to her (they are not allowed to sleep in the bedroom with us). If I'm home she comes and checks what I'm doing every now and again - has a good stare at what I'm doing, waits for a quick head bop and stroke and then wanders off seemingly satisfied. She's been watching what I've been doing today and at the moment has decided to snuggle right next to my feet as I have my feet up on the sofa while I'm typing this. She's taken over the role of being my 'shadow' which used to be Tiger's job. It's nice to have a happy cat who enjoys your company.

And the final question! 30. What talent or skill do you have that you are grateful for? I'm quite artistic and I like being creative, so I'm going to go with being grateful for that.

picspam, cats, screen unseen, 30 grateful days, christmas

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