The continuing saga....

Nov 23, 2018 17:33

Eldest Cee's solicitor has got back and confirmed the situation along the lines we did which is that the vendor is being ridiculous in her demands. In the meantime I did a quick property search and in the block next door to the one where EC is trying to buy there is another flat for sale. It's exactly the same as the one he's after, but it's had a ( Read more... )

moving, 30 grateful days, family

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Comments 15

teragramm November 23 2018, 19:43:51 UTC
The 2nd apartment sound like a much better deal with lots less hassle.

Fingers crossed, all goes well for EC


kazzy_cee November 24 2018, 09:14:27 UTC
Thanks - I’m hoping for the best.


kathyh November 23 2018, 20:22:25 UTC
Poor EC. His vendor sounds such a complete pain that it would serve her right if he found somewhere better. Best of luck to him.


kazzy_cee November 24 2018, 09:16:16 UTC
It’s been one frustration after another but the good news is that flat prices seem to be going down (the one we’re looking at later has been reduced). Maybe one positive Brexit thing for first time buyers!


slaymesoftly November 24 2018, 03:06:22 UTC
*crossing everything* for eldest Cee. I had no idea he hadn't taken possession yet. Finding another one would be the best way to go - and rewarding when he can tell the seller to get lost. :)

I'm so envious of your toned body - it represents a lot of work on your part.


kazzy_cee November 24 2018, 09:19:02 UTC
It’s been so frustrating for Eldest Cee - not a good experience of buying his first place!

It’s been worth the work to tone up and I really enjoy dancing so it’s been really good fun. Don’t enjoy the Pilates so much but I can put up with it for an hour and a quarter a week ;)


slaymesoftly November 24 2018, 13:58:25 UTC
I enjoyed my Pilates classes for several years, but the yoga studio that hosted them decided not to offer it anymore and the nearest one to me is an actual Pilates studio in another town. I've been a few times, but they're rather expensive and it's a bigger investment in time too. Really takes up a big chunk of a Saturday and I just couldn't get into it the way I could an hour class only 15 min. from my house. I miss it, and I do try to do at least a short Pilates workout on my living room floor most days, but of course it isn't the same as a class.

I hope Eldest Cee finds something he likes quickly and can get out of the first one!


thismaz November 24 2018, 07:06:47 UTC
*fingers crossed for EC* Here's hoping he will be able to tell that vendor to (politely) 'go away'. Her history as told by you makes me wonder whether she is trying to drive him away.


kazzy_cee November 24 2018, 09:21:19 UTC
I don’t know what the vendors problem is. I don’t think she understands there is competition out there and because flat prices are dropping (Brexit!) there are better options for EC now so he can risk losing the money he’s spent so far if a different flat costs less. She’s Polish and I have a feeling she’s not up to speed with how things work in the U.K.


spikereader November 24 2018, 12:39:30 UTC
Fingers crossed - if this second flat is suitable (and so much cheaper!) it sounds as though it will be a much better bet for EC.


kazzy_cee November 24 2018, 19:43:29 UTC
Thanks. It was a nice flat and he’s got a few other lined up to see so we’ll see how it goes (again).


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