An enjoyable day!

Apr 09, 2016 17:13

I've got back from a lovely day out meeting up with Lj friends brutti_ma_buoni and daiseechain at a talk about the history of 1940s purfume in London.  The event was held at Les Senteurs at the back of Marble Arch in the West End which used to be part of my old stomping ground back in the day when I worked at my first job in Oxford Circus.  It was strange walking down ( Read more... )

moving, happy things, lj friends, family

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Comments 15

petzipellepingo April 9 2016, 16:44:51 UTC
Did they talk about Guerlain? I remember that from decades ago.


kazzy_cee April 9 2016, 17:37:58 UTC
No - they had Balman, Lentheric, Estée Lauder and some others I didn't know.


brutti_ma_buoni April 9 2016, 18:53:11 UTC
I've been to some of the other events, and the presenter definitely tries to mix up her perfume houses. Guerlain gets a look in some other decades :-)


brutti_ma_buoni April 9 2016, 18:54:05 UTC
It was very lovely to see you, and really glad you enjoyed it. As I said, I think I'm done with the decades, but she gets embroiled in such fun events I'll keep an eye out for anything else that looks enjoyable. With prosecco...


kazzy_cee April 10 2016, 17:49:54 UTC
Definitely interested in seeing more of these talks. She's a very good speaker.


deborahw37 April 9 2016, 19:09:24 UTC
A nice meal " just because" is lovely!


kazzy_cee April 10 2016, 17:50:25 UTC
Just because is very welcome sometimes :)


slaymesoftly April 9 2016, 20:15:32 UTC
Sometimes you don't need a reason... Enjoy!


kazzy_cee April 10 2016, 17:50:44 UTC
We did enjoy the meal - it was lovely!


desdemonaspace April 9 2016, 21:29:14 UTC
What a lovely day, and even lovelier to come home to a husband who bakes! I am envious.


kazzy_cee April 10 2016, 17:54:00 UTC
Mr Cee is good at baking bread but he's a good general cook too which is nice.


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