8 days of happy (revisited) day 2

Apr 09, 2015 20:00

Today was lovely and sunny again which is very welcome.  I spent a lot of the day sorting through things (still!).  Of course I couldn't do much without help and as I have lots of saved boxes from various places I have to be careful that when I pick one up its not occupied....

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moving, cats, happy things

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Comments 4

rustydragonfly April 9 2015, 19:20:08 UTC
Must be a cat paradise right now!


kazzy_cee April 10 2015, 20:53:51 UTC
It is! They love boxes!


frenchani April 9 2015, 21:06:18 UTC
Ok who's that one? Zero? Lady?


kazzy_cee April 10 2015, 20:54:48 UTC
That would be Zero, although I had to chase Lady and Tippi out of the boxes today. Tiger, of course, has seen it all, and will not trouble himself with a box unless he just has to step into it, rather than taking a leap into it like the younger ones do :)


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