Doh! I'm hopeless! 8 days of happy - days 6 and 7...!!

Apr 06, 2015 16:04

Yesterday (day 6) was a very lazy day, and so I forgot about this meme again!!  It was lovely not to do anything very much other than have a very lovely roast lunch and then sit about catching up with some shows that we had recorded.  Which was good and made us all happy ( Read more... )

moving, meme, happy things, family

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Comments 8

frenchani April 6 2015, 15:17:42 UTC
I had a lazy weekend too, and yesterday and today were quite sunny over here.

*fingers crossed*


kazzy_cee April 6 2015, 15:23:45 UTC
It really feels like Spring here today which is good. My lilac tree has flower buds, and my daffodils and narcissi are in full flower.

Thank you!


thismaz April 7 2015, 05:31:53 UTC
I think it was glorious weather in many places, this weekend. It really feels like Spring has finally sprung, doesn't it (or have I now jinxed it by saying that?)
Yesterday I looked down the street and it was beautiful outside our door, but there was a thick sea fret half a mile to the east.


kazzy_cee April 7 2015, 07:57:43 UTC
It started off a bit frosty yesterday and the same today 4 degrees) but it's lovely and sunny and that always makes me feel very energised! I am officially saying its Spring *nods*

I like the phrase 'sea fret' Not heard that before here in t'South.


curiouswombat April 7 2015, 11:16:45 UTC
Some very nice, happy, things!

Good luck with getting a buyer soon.


kazzy_cee April 7 2015, 15:48:01 UTC
Thanks! I'm hoping after the schools go back we'll get some enquiries. It's very dead everywhere around here at the moment, so I'm not surprised we haven't had anything yet.


sister_luck April 7 2015, 14:02:12 UTC

Ah, this is so exciting, this business of selling your house and moving!
I've been following from afar without commenting. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that all goes well!

Also, eagerly awaiting your weather getting sent over here - while it is quite sunny it is still cold, but we've been promised warmer weather for Friday and the weekend. Really looking forward to that.


kazzy_cee April 7 2015, 15:49:43 UTC
It is exciting, and I'm hoping once the summer term begins (next week) we will have some enquiries.

It is still quite cold in the morning here (only 4) and it was frosty yesterday and today. Now it's very warm (15 degrees) and sunny so I hope it heads your way soon.


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