Frump time

Nov 12, 2015 21:20

I am descending into a pile of frump.

OK, mostly at home. For some reason I pulled out the only "it's for yard work when it's cool" flannel shirt that I own and I have been living in i while I'm at the house. My concession to pulled-together-ness is wearing it with leggings and not pajama bottoms, but that'll all in vain when I top it with the fuzzy brown knee length cabled hooded LL Bean sweater that the cats love and makes me look like a troll sitting in a pile of leaves. So warm, though, so warm. The best sick clothing.

I've never been a huge pj person. As a kid I remember wearing the footed onsies and my feet would get SO HOT, and then the rest of me would get SO HOT. I was a sweaty kid, and I'm a sweaty adult. Usually I just sit around the house in my clothes if it's after work, or in some sort of pj bottom/t-shirt/sweater combo if it's a weekend morning. I have a robe but I don't really like it. On weekends, once I get going I put on clothes, because I RARELY have a day where I just lounge around the house. I'm a little Type A, toss in some New England work ethic and probably a dash of Catholic guilt and I feel wrong just relaxing. So, no relaxing clothes.

I think what I need for the house is some sort of caftan thing. Not a mumu or house dress, more like a nod to North African clothing , maybe in a light wool blend. Something I can toss over leggings and a shirt and then sit around my house or walk out into my yard and not feel slovenly, or roll up the sleeves and cook a meal or work on a sewing project.

I could also try to find some flannel shirts that are flattering, or try to mod ones from the thrift store. Rock that romantic white people from Maine LL Bean fantasy. I think a pair of men's flannel pjs might be nice for when I need a pair, instead of worn out yoga pants. No matter what I wear, though, no one is going to take away my delicious handmade shearling slippers from Shepherd's Flock. I just spent $19 to get them resoled and they are as good as new. My feet can be as frumpy as they like.


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