Jul 05, 2009 20:56
So it’s been a while I guess. Nobody posts here anymore, presumably because nobody has anything good to say; sortof a masturbatory way to vent I suppose. So here’s mine.
It’s been a while, and I’m too lazy to look at my last post to see what was happening then, so I’ll just guess: Got a new job. Sure am glad to not be working at Frank Lumber any more. It’s amazing what getting away from a raving psychopath ((1. somebody affected with a personality disorder marked by aggressive, violent, antisocial thought and behavior and a lack of remorse or empathy ( technical ) 2. offensive term: an offensive term for somebody who is regarded as highly antisocial, aggressive, and lacking in empathy ( insult ) I looked it up. It’s true. )) can do for your health. Although, the same term probably applies to me as well, but what ya’ gonna’ do. I took a five dollar an hour pay cut, but it’s better than wasting away at home getting all the things done that I’ve always wanted to… Sort of.
There has however been a dramatic rise in stress levels in the family. I’m beginning to feel like I NEED to talk to Stephen about it, but… He’s not very responsive. (Well, he’s responsive, but not the way one would like.) I’ll try to keep my explanation short, so I can get it out of the way and get on with my life.
1. One can only hope to solve one’s problems, if one puts time and effort into the solution, not the problem. I know what the problem is, but sometimes I guess you can’t see the forest for the trees. Here, I’ll just say it. The problem is Nicole. Now before we go defending her and rationalizing our attachments, let me rephrase that: The problem is our attachment to Nicole.
2. Nothing can live or grow in the hopeless vacuum of obsession.
3. Having the problem closer at hand will not solve or negate the problem. It’s a good way to analyze and try to fix the problem, but we’ll get to that later. (see 8)
4. Alcohol and similar vices will not alleviate or remedy a problem, although they have been proven very effective in complicating and inflating the problem, as well as adding many more.
5. Avoiding or ignoring a problem does not solve or negate it. (did I already say that?)
6. Placing the problem at the feet of another does not solve the problem.
7. If there is a problem with everyone else, and only you are immune, there is a very large probability that the problem is in fact yours alone.
8. People behave the way that they want, and only they can alter their own behavior. Outside stimulation to the contrary often results in reinforcing that persons beliefs and actions. (So why am I writing this?)
I’m trying to help.
speaking of problems, I have to eat now.