ZOMGZ! Kingdom Hearts II

Mar 30, 2006 10:48

Okay, new game-plan:
1. Don't stay up until almost 5AM playing Kingdom Hearts II ever again. (Just a few more minutes...)
2. Beat Kingdom Hearts II quickly so I can get back to my life, because I certainly am going to be hard pressed to have any desire to do anything else until I beat it.

Last night was great save for two things: First off staying up too damn late. Second off, missing an IM on my comp from someone I wanted to talk to. :(

Now for my inital review of the game based upon just playing it for about 8 hours. No real spoilers...

Okay, first off, understand that the first about 3-5 hours of the game is an intro. Don't judge the game by that, because after finish up with Roxas, the systems in the game change, and cool stuff starts getting freed up. Honestly it starts kinda getting freed up right near the end of Roxas' bit, where you get your first taste of two-keyblade style, which is just simply amazing. Like... 10-15 hit chains! :O

Anyways, after you finish up with Roxas (which doesn't really conclude what happens to him...) you regain control of Sora (Yay!) who's grown a few inches since we last saw him... Let me put it this way: It's a good thing his pants were baggy in KH, otherwise he'd be in a world of hurt. *wince*

Now, onto the actual changes in the game. Anyone who's been paying attention to the previews/reviews of KH2 already knows about the Drive system. I've only got the first one, the Valor Drive (combine with Goofy and go for two-keyblade style!), so I can't speak for any others, but to quote servbot "Valor drive is sexy". Also, the drives all level up on their own, so when you are in drive mode, you are getting XP for that drive, so there is no reason to hold onto it, unless you know you're about to encounter a boss. So with their own levels they just become more sickeningly powerful.

Next, AI controls. We remember this from KH1. This is the biggest improvement so far. Instead of telling them what to use, each ability or spell has it's own slot on the ability list and you can loosely control how often they use abilities. So yes, you can turn off completely, all spells that Donald has other than Cure and Reflect, and have him run around and heal you as you kill shit! Thank god!\

Finally Gummi ships. Yes they are back. No they don't suck anymore. Basically they took Einhander and shoved it into KH2, with gummi ship designs! I was thinking "It's like Gradius" but then I remembered that Square made Einhander, so it just totally made sense. I could (and probably will) just play in Gummi ship mode for hours!

Anyways, later on today I'll post my first half overview of KH:CoM for Sora's side of the game which will clear up a lot of questions that you might have for why Sora's where he is, and what, in general is going on (don't expect it to clear up the situation with Roxas). And whenever I finish Riku's side, I'll post my other half of the overview for that, so folks know what the deal with Riku is.

video games, life

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