The stars were against me this morning...

Mar 29, 2006 15:38

Wake up on time, get out of the apartment on time, but forget my cellphone. Now this caused a twofold problem. First I couldn't call the cab I normally take to work, so I had to catch a random cab. Next, I ended up waiting 12 minutes for a cab to pass by that would pull over and get me. Finally, I couldn't call my boss to tell him that I was gonna be a few minutes late because I didn't have my cell phone, and the area I wait for a cab has no payphones. WTF?

Anyways, the rest of the day's gone pretty well.

Hopefully tonight, KH2 arrives. :D None-the-less, today's new comic day, which means I have something to look forward to tonight. And if no KH2, I'll keep on working on Oblivion or WoW (not sure which).

Speaking of Oblivion, finally got started playing it... and Ain was right. I'm just gobbling it up! My only concern (and a minor one at that) is that I'm going to go clear out a dungeon that I was supposed to clear out later for the story, and maybe screw up the storyline, but I doubt it (and not going to worry about it now). Anyways, yeah, I think my problem with Morrowind for me wasn't the freeformness (new words! Yay!), but the slow start and lack of a major event to get the ball rolling... but now that I know who the Emperor was and what the Emperor's Blades are, I probably could go back and play Morrowind with much more enjoyability in it this time... but if so that will be down the line. For now, just gonna work on Oblivion (and WoW... and KH2... and FFXI... >.>; )

video games, life

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