Strike One:
nukkusbelmont (3:23:18 PM): hey there!
NXCritter (3:23:26 PM): Hi.
nukkusbelmont (3:23:33 PM):
nukkusbelmont (3:24:15 PM): <3
NXCritter (3:25:04 PM): What's up?
nukkusbelmont (3:25:49 PM): well, i have a crush on you.
NXCritter (3:26:15 PM): Tell that to my fiance I'm sure he'd love to hear it :3
nukkusbelmont (3:26:30 PM): well, y'know, it;sa silly frend crush
nukkusbelmont (3:26:36 PM): *friend
nukkusbelmont (3:26:39 PM):
Strike two:
Kazer Morthoseth (3:34:57 PM): Hey there, Nataya told me to talk to you for some reason.
nukkusbelmont (3:35:04 PM): o_O
nukkusbelmont (3:35:17 PM): izzat why she logged off?
nukkusbelmont (3:35:27 PM): how do you know mah best buddy?
Kazer Morthoseth (3:35:32 PM): I guess so.
Kazer Morthoseth (3:35:55 PM): Um... I asked her to marry me.
nukkusbelmont (3:35:59 PM): o_O
nukkusbelmont (3:36:01 PM): wow
nukkusbelmont (3:36:05 PM): nukkusbelmont (3:36:16 PM): if your ever mean to her, i'll have your balls.
Kazer Morthoseth (3:36:24 PM): Excuse me?
nukkusbelmont (3:36:33 PM): you heard me :3
nukkusbelmont (3:36:36 PM): treat her well
Kazer Morthoseth (3:37:42 PM): First of all, I don't even know you, second of all, you come at her apparently hitting on her from what I can read.
nukkusbelmont (3:37:58 PM): ???
nukkusbelmont (3:38:04 PM): why would i hit on her?
nukkusbelmont (3:38:15 PM): i told her i used to hae a silly crush on her
nukkusbelmont (3:38:28 PM): she's my buddy, nothing more
nukkusbelmont signed off at 3:39:11 PM (He Blocked Me)
Strike Three:
nukkusbelmont (4:19:30 PM): rawr.
NXCritter (4:19:42 PM): hey *hugs*
NXCritter (4:19:47 PM): what happend!
nukkusbelmont (4:19:47 PM):
nukkusbelmont (4:19:59 PM): i went to cook supper after you logged off
NXCritter (4:20:11 PM): ok kazer disspaered
nukkusbelmont (4:20:19 PM): the mean guy?
NXCritter (4:20:32 PM): yes i to;ld him to get to know you
nukkusbelmont (4:20:43 PM): he told me he wanted to take my balls >_<
NXCritter (4:20:50 PM): cause you one of my good friends
nukkusbelmont (4:21:04 PM): he doesn;t like me
NXCritter (4:21:06 PM): it's 4 20!
nukkusbelmont (4:21:12 PM): 5:20 here
NXCritter (4:21:31 PM): :c
nukkusbelmont (4:21:37 PM):
nukkusbelmont (4:21:45 PM): you are my best bud, ya know
NXCritter (4:22:05 PM): any who some one said your a pounced admin are you (try to not think of kazer running off)
nukkusbelmont (4:22:26 PM): nope o_o
nukkusbelmont (4:22:57 PM): i really don;t envy anyone who is a pounced admin either
nukkusbelmont (4:23:13 PM): that would be one headache of a job
nukkusbelmont (4:23:55 PM):
NXCritter (4:25:09 PM): oh well she's one of my best friends and she said that you where an admin, i had a question about the site so i was gonna ask but i gues not it would be point less n.n"
nukkusbelmont (4:25:22 PM): who is she?
nukkusbelmont (4:25:23 PM): o_o
nukkusbelmont (4:25:38 PM): i know that there is a dood with belmont in his name that was an admin
NXCritter (4:26:17 PM): oh?
nukkusbelmont (4:26:29 PM): yah
nukkusbelmont (4:26:32 PM): anyways...
nukkusbelmont (4:26:40 PM): sorry fer buggin ya
NXCritter (4:26:49 PM): it's ok
NXCritter (4:26:58 PM): who is this other belmont?
nukkusbelmont (4:27:23 PM): something like shaun or sean or soren
nukkusbelmont (4:27:27 PM): o_O
nukkusbelmont (4:27:38 PM): i dunno if he's a castevania fan like me
NXCritter (4:28:02 PM): cause he thretned to ban my firend cause she didn't text sex him u,u
nukkusbelmont (4:28:16 PM): ?__?
nukkusbelmont (4:28:22 PM): that;smessed up
NXCritter (4:28:25 PM): i know
nukkusbelmont (4:28:26 PM): what;s her name?
NXCritter (4:28:34 PM): i was gonna sk him what the rules where
NXCritter (4:28:39 PM): have him tell me
NXCritter (4:28:48 PM): then i was post both log's
nukkusbelmont (4:28:56 PM): ahh
NXCritter (4:28:58 PM): i'm so glad that not you i didn't belive it
NXCritter (4:29:06 PM): but she ensisted
nukkusbelmont (4:29:06 PM):
nukkusbelmont (4:29:20 PM): what;s her name though? i wanna clear it up ;3
NXCritter (4:29:23 PM): your sweet, but kazer got really upset
nukkusbelmont (4:29:38 PM): i'm worried that it could be someone hacking my account
nukkusbelmont (4:29:41 PM): o_o
NXCritter (4:29:46 PM): go you know a nukkuskai?
nukkusbelmont (4:29:51 PM): O_O
nukkusbelmont (4:30:03 PM): that is an OLD account of mine that i never use anymore
nukkusbelmont (4:30:14 PM): like from back in my bnet days
nukkusbelmont (4:30:16 PM): brb
NXCritter (4:30:21 PM): ok
NXCritter (4:30:33 PM): cause that's the one that said those things to her.
nukkusbelmont (4:31:30 PM): o_O
nukkusbelmont (4:31:43 PM): what is her name, inveite her to a chat with me
nukkusbelmont (4:31:55 PM): i need to know what ths person said to her
nukkusbelmont (4:32:03 PM): >_<
nukkusbelmont (4:32:16 PM): maybe i can find out who stolethe acount from me...
NXCritter (4:32:39 PM): she said no, i don't know she said you major nasty t her she lives near by and she's over
NXCritter (4:32:45 PM): so she'll it reagrless
nukkusbelmont (4:32:55 PM): hmm..
NXCritter (4:33:02 PM): this happend a few months back
nukkusbelmont (4:33:10 PM): i'mma find out whoshe iseither way
nukkusbelmont (4:33:33 PM): cuz i can still trace who talks to who on that account
nukkusbelmont (4:33:48 PM): maybe it'll lead me to the bastard who hacked it
NXCritter (4:34:10 PM): well it was on my dead laptop she said it problyjuneinsh
nukkusbelmont (4:36:01 PM): that narrows it down..
nukkusbelmont (4:36:08 PM): MitsukiJuran?
NXCritter (4:36:51 PM): it was only in june one day, and the sn hurassed started with a b
nukkusbelmont (4:37:02 PM): AutoSakura?
NXCritter (4:37:07 PM): No B
NXCritter (4:37:10 PM): B
NXCritter (4:37:12 PM): BBBBBB
nukkusbelmont (4:37:24 PM): only thing with a b here is indiegirlbeth
NXCritter (4:37:40 PM): nope
nukkusbelmont (4:37:51 PM): well, regardless it wasn;t me
nukkusbelmont (4:37:55 PM): i don; sex chat
nukkusbelmont (4:39:00 PM): blowpopgoesrawr
NXCritter (4:39:04 PM): oh well what about that time you tryed to get with me?
NXCritter (4:39:07 PM): YES
NXCritter (4:39:12 PM): blowpop :3
nukkusbelmont (4:39:12 PM): with you?
NXCritter (4:39:18 PM): yes
nukkusbelmont (4:39:18 PM): why would i get with you?
nukkusbelmont (4:39:22 PM): o_O
NXCritter (4:39:25 PM): you tryed to
nukkusbelmont (4:39:29 PM): did not!
NXCritter (4:39:31 PM): like years ago lol
nukkusbelmont (4:39:35 PM): you;re too young for e
nukkusbelmont (4:39:36 PM): *me
NXCritter (4:39:40 PM): it's ok it was cute
nukkusbelmont (4:39:42 PM): and you;re like a sister anyway
NXCritter (4:39:45 PM): AWW!
nukkusbelmont (4:39:48 PM): i won;t want you
NXCritter (4:39:49 PM): So sweet :3
nukkusbelmont (4:39:52 PM): *wouldn;t
NXCritter (4:39:57 PM): and yes blowpop's
nukkusbelmont (4:40:01 PM): cuz you;re mah buddy
nukkusbelmont (4:40:09 PM):
nukkusbelmont (4:40:21 PM): merf, definately not mah type x3
NXCritter (4:40:54 PM): yeah lol
nukkusbelmont (4:41:36 PM): she;s a squirrel
nukkusbelmont (4:41:42 PM): squirrels are too clingy
nukkusbelmont (4:41:54 PM): and she looks like my cousin x3
NXCritter (4:42:35 PM): she's a sqyinx
NXCritter (4:42:44 PM): Squynx**
nukkusbelmont (4:42:47 PM): either way, blargh.
NXCritter (4:42:52 PM): LOl
nukkusbelmont (4:43:23 PM): sooooo not my type
nukkusbelmont (4:43:57 PM): what the HELL
NXCritter (4:44:12 PM): wow she told you... u.u
nukkusbelmont (4:44:22 PM): well guess what?
NXCritter (4:44:26 PM): she like like saw it on my sreen
nukkusbelmont (4:44:27 PM): i'm blocking her
nukkusbelmont (4:44:35 PM): and i'm blocking YOU TOO
NXCritter (4:44:45 PM): WHY :C
nukkusbelmont (4:44:48 PM): because so far ecause of you i've been bitched at twice today
NXCritter (4:44:51 PM): what did I DO!
nukkusbelmont (4:45:05 PM): sent two strangers after me!
NXCritter (4:45:06 PM): what di do
nukkusbelmont (4:45:10 PM): jerk!
NXCritter (4:45:22 PM): No i sent my feionce to become friends with you
NXCritter (4:45:30 PM): so i coauld talk to you more!
NXCritter (4:45:43 PM): sorry for trying to include you in my life
nukkusbelmont (4:45:45 PM): well guess what? he told me that if i dont stay away from you he'll cut my balls off
NXCritter (4:45:56 PM): really cause i have the log's
nukkusbelmont (4:46:04 PM): oh yeah sure
nukkusbelmont (4:46:10 PM): you evil person
nukkusbelmont (4:46:12 PM): >_<
nukkusbelmont (4:46:21 PM): i thought you were NICE
nukkusbelmont (4:46:35 PM): but instead you;re just a backstabbing furfag whore >_<
NXCritter (4:46:41 PM): nukkusbelmont (3:36:16 PM):if your ever mean to her, i'll have your balls.Kazer Morthoseth (3:36:24 PM):Excuse me?nukkusbelmont (3:36:33 PM):you heard me :3
nukkusbelmont (4:46:43 PM): go toHELL
NXCritter (4:46:46 PM): LULZ No i'm a b
nukkusbelmont signed off at 4:46:47 PM
Strike four: (crackerz get's a message)
nukkuskai 4:47 pm
hello cuntmuffin
guess what?
i'm NOT nukkusbelmont.
i'm just jacking his net. he thinks he can't get a connection right now. i sent the nasty messages to/from that cunt's fiancee.
and if you say ANYTHING, you are fucking dead meat. this little furfag is MY toy to play with.
Blowpopgoesrawr 4:49 pm
LUL tottaly loging putintg on FD2 :3 dun mess essa
mmmm cunt muffins
Taste like fantastic
Go run a tread mill baby
loose about 50= 100 pounds
Final Strike
nukkusbelmont signed on at 4:52:34 PM
nukkusbelmont (4:52:48 PM): sorry sis.. my net went out >_<
nukkusbelmont (4:53:42 PM): anyway, i dunno who the squirrel lady is, but i know that i never tried totalk to her :3
nukkusbelmont (4:54:07 PM): how's your back today btw
nukkusbelmont (4:54:10 PM): ?
NXCritter (4:54:11 PM): Lol IP address's
nukkusbelmont (4:54:16 PM): ?
nukkusbelmont (4:54:26 PM): what about them?
nukkusbelmont (4:54:39 PM): i wish i had one
nukkusbelmont (4:54:47 PM): then i could host a halo server
nukkusbelmont (4:55:31 PM): but instead i can only join them on matchmaking, cuz of stupid aliant using shared ip addresses :<
nukkusbelmont (4:55:53 PM): do you play halo reach?
nukkusbelmont (4:56:20 PM):
nukkusbelmont (4:57:05 PM): natnat?
NXCritter (4:59:25 PM): IS MY ROOMAMTE:3
nukkusbelmont (4:59:38 PM): oO
nukkusbelmont (4:59:47 PM): nataya, what the heck?
nukkusbelmont (4:59:53 PM): that makesno sense
NXCritter (4:59:59 PM): everything you "hacker firend" sent Is all in sthe same contesnts and has i the same fucking ip so
nukkusbelmont (5:00:07 PM): o_O
nukkusbelmont (5:00:12 PM): ?
NXCritter (5:00:18 PM): logicaly the hacker would have to be in ypour hose
nukkusbelmont (5:00:38 PM): i'm not in a house
nukkusbelmont (5:00:46 PM): i'm in a college dorm
NXCritter (5:01:02 PM): on top of that your spelling and puntuation is all the same ironicly, and sadly your poor ass ah been forund out
nukkusbelmont (5:01:19 PM): ok, you are some sorta paranoid weirdo sweetie.
NXCritter (5:01:23 PM): sorry babe
nukkusbelmont (5:01:28 PM): please take it easy on the painkillers >_<
NXCritter (5:01:42 PM): pain killers?
nukkusbelmont (5:01:44 PM): oh fuck it, fine.
NXCritter (5:01:49 PM): what are you talkingh about
nukkusbelmont (5:01:52 PM): you know what? yer right
nukkusbelmont (5:01:58 PM): i'm a fucking hacker
NXCritter (5:02:02 PM): Lulz
NXCritter (5:02:07 PM): not very good then
nukkusbelmont (5:02:22 PM): i stole this netbook from some poor fucktart, and ive been messing with everyone on his contact list
NXCritter (5:02:54 PM): so your a hacker?
nukkusbelmont (5:02:55 PM): my fucking god you are a slow retarded bitch for it to take so long to clue in that i'm not your precious fagbear
NXCritter (5:03:08 PM): how did you know my name my name is nataya?
nukkusbelmont (5:03:13 PM): this moron left all his logs
NXCritter (5:03:13 PM): funny eh?
NXCritter (5:03:30 PM): your ip adress is that same from a few months ago
NXCritter (5:03:51 PM): also if you where a hackeyou would have used an ip scrabler
nukkusbelmont (5:03:54 PM): well gee, no wonder. fucking dorm. stays the same, serlock
NXCritter (5:04:05 PM): NO
nukkusbelmont (5:04:07 PM): i'm not some hacker, i stole his netbook you moron
NXCritter (5:04:13 PM): it doesn't actually
NXCritter (5:04:22 PM): they all have a sub port dumb fuck
nukkusbelmont (5:04:29 PM): you are a moron.
NXCritter (5:04:42 PM): Just as my computer would have a 1 and my mate a 2 at the end
nukkusbelmont (5:04:48 PM): i ave been using this account for 8 months
nukkusbelmont (5:04:59 PM): ever since i stole the fucking netbook
nukkusbelmont (5:05:07 PM): are you that retarded
NXCritter (5:05:29 PM): ok lul so why is the ip the same from 2 year's ago also you never answer why you know my name and such personal information about me
nukkusbelmont (5:05:46 PM): like i said moron, FUCING LOGS
NXCritter (5:05:50 PM): AND nukka gt a new net book when i did as of 7 mionth's ago
NXCritter (5:06:03 PM): So you 8 month bull is bulll
nukkusbelmont (5:06:05 PM): there are logs from aim from 3 years back bitcho
NXCritter (5:06:11 PM): Oh?
NXCritter (5:06:16 PM): then prov it!
nukkusbelmont (5:06:30 PM): i don't need to prove anything plaything
NXCritter (5:06:34 PM): i love you your talking like a7 year old sweets
nukkusbelmont (5:06:40 PM): sorry, you are a broken toy.
nukkusbelmont (5:06:48 PM): i'm throwing you out now.
NXCritter (5:06:58 PM): the vibarter sill works tho so it's cool
NXCritter (5:07:13 PM): i love how you blocked me twice
NXCritter (5:07:22 PM): Omg how sad can you be
nukkusbelmont (5:07:24 PM): blah blah blah whore
NXCritter (5:07:39 PM): i love how yu faltter me with raging insalts
nukkusbelmont (5:07:52 PM): baaaai
nukkusbelmont signed off at 5:07:56 PM
nukkusbelmont signed on at 5:22:46 PM
nukkusbelmont (5:22:54 PM): rofl.
nukkusbelmont (5:23:04 PM): sorry, i'm a nasty troll.
nukkusbelmont (5:23:39 PM): who is jealous of your bf
(She blocked this time)
I don't really have much else to add. Except, I love my Nataya. ^_^