[33] Daashutsu (Escape) [Accidental Video]

Sep 13, 2009 22:21

[Accidental Video:]

[The screen turns on as it shows the fierce waves of the ocean crash into one another. The scene was clearly one near Prison Island though it wasn't until a minute later that two figures pop their heads out of the water, gasping for air, as a huge explosion becomes observable in the background ( Read more... )

prison break day 3, !action log, michiru

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Action! actingelegantly September 14 2009, 09:42:26 UTC
Seawater stung at the wounds she received in battle, as if chastising her for the slightly reckless attitude she'd had in her fight during the escape. It couldn't be helped. She was already dead, but Haruka still had a life to lose, so naturally her focus had been more towards keeping her partner safe than in protecting herself.

Half dragging her partner with her, she crawled a little further onto the shore where the waves couldn't reach their faces. Their efforts, after all, would be wasted if they'd come all this way just to drown in inches of water.

She turned her head to look at her lover again, to make sure she was, if not exactly alright, then at least still breathing. Then she lay still in the sand, except for a brief moment of coughing on the very ocean water she loved, and waited for her strength to return.


Action! kazeno_youni September 15 2009, 00:32:17 UTC
Haruka followed suit, purging some of the sea water that had made its way in. She got on her hands and knees and glanced towards Michiru laying in the sand. The sense of relief it brought her to see her there was indescribable beyond words. She couldn't stop smiling between struggles for air.

After managing to catch enough of her breath, she heard a beep from the device and looked up. She made another attempt to reach for it and succeeded this time. She cautiously answered it as she sat down besides Michiru.


Action! actingelegantly September 15 2009, 02:16:57 UTC
Haruka's presence nearby offered all the comfort she could have needed, soothing and uplifting her spirits. As she lay there watching Haruka answer people over the network, she smiled softly, content and relieved. They were both safe.

At length, she drew herself into a sitting position, one arm in the sand supporting her weight as she peered at Haruka's network device, then looked out over the water at the smoke still lingering from the explosion. Their escape had been an unnervingly close call.


Action! kazeno_youni September 15 2009, 09:44:29 UTC
It wasn't long before she closed the device and brought her attention back towards her partner. Haruka leaned towards her and drew her in close as she did the same, watching the thick smoke start to clear. Just as quickly as she had transformed, the material gradually reverted back to becoming a ribbon of sort, disappearing, and soon reappearing as her usual clothing. Upon doing so, she knew well that they had to start heading towards the City in order to get any medical attention without giving away their identity.

Haruka softly whispered beside her ear. "Are you all right? We should start heading back."


Action! actingelegantly September 15 2009, 14:24:20 UTC
She leans into her partner as Haruka draws her in and with a gentle touch she lays her hand over the blonde's. The contact further warmed her heart, and despite their injuries, she almost felt as though they could rest here like this forever and she would be happy.

Her partner murmurs into her ear, and she closes her eyes to relish the feeling, her lips easing in to a warm smile, "I"m just very glad," she begins before opening her eyes just a little to glance at Haruka teasingly through a veil of eyelashes, "to have rescued the damsel in distress"

With that, she moves to stand, making the motion smooth despite the ache of her injuries, and turns to offer her lover a hand.


Action! kazeno_youni September 15 2009, 19:29:31 UTC
The damsel in distress. Haruka lightly chuckled to that thought. "Don't tease me so much." That definitely wasn't an image that fit her nor can she pull off.

Her own half-lidded eyes followed the woman's figure rise and warmly smiled at her. The moonlight shining on her enhanced her beauty even with the injuries that were inflicted on her delicate skin. She gently took her hand, placing a kiss onto the back of it before taking her offer to get back on her feet. The blonde wrapping her arm around the other so they can support each other, she gazed up at the lite City and sighs in relief that it was finally all over. But she knew well, it was never really over.


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