[33] Daashutsu (Escape) [Accidental Video]

Sep 13, 2009 22:21

[Accidental Video:]

[The screen turns on as it shows the fierce waves of the ocean crash into one another. The scene was clearly one near Prison Island though it wasn't until a minute later that two figures pop their heads out of the water, gasping for air, as a huge explosion becomes observable in the background.

Both the blonde and aquamarine-haired women wore a tiara like thing on their forehead and an unique sailor uniform that appeared tattered and torn as if they've just escaped from a fierce battle. Both trying to tend to the other, they finally were washed to shore, terribly worn out from the events that had previously occurred. The blonde noticed the device nestled in the sand and reached her arm out in attempt to grab it to call for help but failed, now covering half of the screen with her resting hand before it cuts out.]


[ooc: Open audio for reactions to the video and action log for anyone who would like to come to Uranus and Neptune's aide on the beach though please note that Haruka's voice is more girly in her sailor form like that helps much, I know~ but humor me for the sake of sailor moon canon~ =TTWTT=;;; and not notice that it's Haruka and Michiru. OTL They could kind of suspect it but please have your characters interact with our like they're totally different ppl unless you'd like to plot with us for your character to find out their identity~. We'd appreciate that~ =TTWTT= <3333 This is after this event which is still ongoing but the idea is that they found a magical route to the outside. Thanks!]

prison break day 3, !action log, michiru

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