Apr 29, 2010 12:00
Thursday. Is it over yet? Oh, wait, NO, it's STILL finals week. In danger of getting really bad grades in just about all of my classes, because my brain has been so unbelievably dysfunctional this semester. I might even get a bad grade in voice lessons because I never did a jury presentation, which is the music lesson equivalent of a final exam. I'm sure I already failed Organic Chemistry II lab again because I missed an experiment and one of the lab exams. That, and the whole "never turning in the lab reports" thing. If she lets me turn in my lab reports now, which is like a million years late, I might be able to get a D- in the class.
Can't worry about that now. 2 more hours left to finish my take-home final exam for Existentialism. I can do it, but after this, I may never want to hear about Sartre again.
This semester should have been so easy. It would have been no problem at all for me to get an A in every single class, if only I were less dysfunctional. Now I'll be lucky to have a C- average for this semester in contrast to last semester's A- average.
On the bright side, I've gotten damn good at combining stimulants and brain pills to make it through all nighters. I'm better at pulling all nighters than I've ever been.
Fuck my fucking life.