Jul 18, 2012 01:57
I had a wonderful weekend.
I saw Jon and L off Friday morning, switched the dishwasher for him, and headed for Kokomo, IN (a bit north of Indy).
The drive was actually quite pleasant, and faster than Google Maps implied. Not sure if I was running slightly fast--over a 2.5+ hour drive that will actually cut some time--or if the map program missed that IN is 70 and 60mph in places IL wouldn't be. I was amused that it was the same as our honeymoon trip--Construction Next X Miles...followed by nothing...followed by End Construction. I don't know what's up with that state, but there were multiple non-construction construction areas....again.
The directions to the hotel weren't so good, and the hotel printout had Choice Hotels in the obvious place, so I missed the Comfort Suites (which is a Choice Hotel, but not on the sign). Fortunately I stumbled onto the convention site--which I didn't know was on the highway because I had the alternate name and weird directions from the hotel to it.
Set up a display, which worked actually quite nicely. Forgot to text my husband as I simply forgot, and was flustered from missing the hotel and also from my mother swooping in. Remedied that when he paged me. My uncle came up for dinner which was a pleasant surprise. Then I chilled in the hotel and did NOTHING. No, that's not true. I had a long, uninterrupted shower. Then read a book until a bit later than I should have (but only a bit) and went to sleep.
Next day, hung out at convention, saw some good speakers, chatted with people I haven't seen in a while. Spent a couple hours reading by myself in the hotel then went back. Chatted with people about my display and about theirs and just about random stuff. Would rather have sat with different folks at the dinner--sat with my mom's friends as opposed to the people I actually interact with now, but eh. Got back to the hotel, read L a story over video chat, talked to Jon over video chat (worked pretty well as long as he didn't move), then went to bed.
TWO nights of good sleep. TWO!
Sunday flew by. I meant to come back and chill by myself another hour or so, and that would have calmed my Too Many People edge that I've been running on, but still helped. Can't feel too bad when I didn't because I was having a good time. :) Even remembered--20 minutes before the end, but good enough--to gas the car up. Walked through the car museum in the same building. It was cars, but some of the advertising they had was nifty.
Display came down quickly. Didn't stay to help my folks; they weren't driving home anyway and I think would have refused the help--and was back here by 7:30. Easy drive again. The time change was in my favor. Got home expecting a baby running up to greet me, but J had forgotten time change and had him in the bath. "Mommy here!" was still fun. Glad he didn't try to get up.
Since I originally figured I'd be lucky to be back by 11, not too bad. :) Show ended an hour earlier than I thought, didn't realize time change, and packed faster than expected.
Jon and L had a good time while I was gone, so it all worked out wonderfully. L even seems to still be going to sleep, despite having to be driven down while I was gone.
Yay to calm, relaxing, fun weekends!