May 16, 2012 11:01
Harper is approaching four months old... and getting more wonderful every day. I've been thinking about writing this blog for awhile, because it's so crazy how quickly things change in these first few months. When she was born, I couldn't even imagine leaving her alone for a minute (and honestly, it's still not easy) - but of course, I went back to work and she started day care. And then, after much internal and external debate, my husband decided to quit his job and stay home with her for at least a year. It will be a bigger strain on our finances than day care was, but I am sure (and I'm not saying this to boast) that we still have it better than a lot of people with children, and they make it work just fine.
so here goes:
Somewhere along the way...
I stopped counting how many hours of sleep I was getting a night because they were no longer coming in only 1-2 hour increments
I started fitting into my pre-pregnancy underpants (YAY)
Harper started laughing, and smiling, and talking and being even cuter than I ever thought she would be (and does this every day!)
Breastfeeding became easy
I realized it was more important to hang with my baby than clean the house
My husband and I decided day care could wait
I accepted the fact that I can't hold my baby too much - impossible
I started treatment for post-partum depression (still working that one out)
I began to realize that feeling like I can't do it all is NORMAL and it will pass with a few deep breaths or a good night's sleep
I fell so totally in love that every emotion has an exclamation point at the end of it - every love song on the radio seems to apply :P
I realized some things can wait until tomorrow - or next week
I stopped weighing myself every week
I realized yoga is always going to be there for me
Receiving support of my friends and family when I had questions about cluster feedings, etc. and was overrun with hormones was priceless, appreciated and necessary
My husband became a father - and a very loving, sweet and devoted one
Staying home, as opposed to being social butterflies, became our preferred method of spending our free time.
(That said, we still enjoy taking Harper with us everywhere we go)
I perfected the art of eating/typing/reading/ while breastfeeding
I perfected the art of doing something with one hand while holding a baby with the other
I realized just how judgmental I had been about other people's crying babies
I am sure there are more - I've been thinking of these constantly since I came up with the idea for this blog. Maybe I'll do another one in four more months. :)
Until next time
PS maria - write that book. do it.