Been gone for a while because the end of August is a wild and crazy time of year for me. The Domestic Diva has been satiated for a while.
Katie's Birthday (#6) has come and gone.
We got the cut out sugar cookies made and iced (on Thursday)and sent to school for her class (on Friday). It was fun! Ended up with about 60 decent cookies all total. NO, I did NOT send 60 iced sugar cookies in to a class of 5 and 6 year olds. I may be crazy but i'm not stupid! The whole family iced the cookies - well, 3 of us did. The Boy (4 years old, remember) ate as much icing as he put on cookies. Too cute.
The Birthday party/ backyard pool cookout went over well. Yay, not all the people invited showed! No really, that's a good thing. If they had, we would have had around 65 people at my house, kids and grown-ups. It ended up being 15 kids (10 yrs to almost 2 yrs) and about 25 "grown-ups" (13 yrs to 65 yrs). We went through 10 lbs of hamburgers, 2 packages of hotdogs and 6 lbs of chicken breasts on the grill with only 4 hotdogs, 3 chicken breasts and 7 burgers left over. pasta salad , fruit salad and baked beans - ravished. pickle/olive relish tray and veggie tray thoroughly attacked. The kids had a blast in the inflatable pool with the sprinkler nearby and the sand box too.
I got Katie's cake made to her request - chocolate heart shaped but white icing. There was NONE left over. I almost didn't get a piece. Here's a pic:
no, the cupcakes came from the grocery store.
When i asked her that night at bedtime if she would have liked anything to be diferent about her party, she said "No Mama. It was perfect." and gave me a smile and a big hug. I thought I would melt. or cry. not sure which.
And now this weekend we're all off to King's Island - an Amusement park about 2 1/2 hours away. The munchkins are bouncing off the walls. The Boy keeps asking (every night) "is tonight the night for Doctah Whoo?" and knows it's tonight , and both are excited about the rides at the amusement park. *bounce, bounce bounce!* Now if only I wasn't on call Monday.
Well, Have a great weekend all!