well, this should be, well, uhm yeah. I was tagged by dear, sweet
christn7. Okay, here goes.......
Rules of the Meme: 1. List seven habits/quirks/facts about yourself
2. tag seven other people to do the same
3. no tag-backs
1. I love Mel Brooks movies. Especially anything with Madeline Kahn or Gene Wilder. Young Frankenstein - have memorized WAY too much of that film. ( Although I do a pretty good version of 'Puttin' on the Ritz')
2. I would really like to be a stay-at-home Mom. I want to bake sugar cookies for school, make birthday cakes, cook a pot roast and trimmings for dinner, and be active at my kids' school. I want to be able to put a lot of time into decorating for holidays and special occasions.
3. #2 is a bit surreal for me, because I spent so long getting my BSN and have always had a "carreer first" mindset. I didn't look down on women who chose to stay home, I just had a different plan for the direction my life should take. I didn't realize how much having kids would change that for me.
Yes, I do need to work. My husband is an independent contractor (self-employed and incorporated) and my job is the only one with health benefits and insurance. It also has a killer education benefit - now employees can give their spouse or children their 50% reimbursement for university courses. They've got me by the checkbook.
4. I think my Dad still plays practical jokes on me - sets off my car alarm while I'm standing there, shakes the rain off the tree leaves right when I pass under, and not the people before me, that sort of thing. I really miss him sometimes. I know he would get such a kick out of the crazy monkey boy my son is right now.
5. I like Disney films. The animated ones. Always have and have never felt the need to 'borrow' a child to go to one. I saw 'The Lion King' in the movie theater WAY before my kids were even thought of.
6. I had my daughter's name picked out even before i met my husband/ her father.
7. I still get geeky and let loose with a "Ooh, that's so cool!" squeek from time to time at work.
I've got no one to tag who hasn't already done this (short friends list), so I guess this dies with me? One can only hope.