Heroes and new years meme

Dec 16, 2008 22:12

So um,
My thoughts:
Poor Hiro and the flag pole. I thought the pigeon was gonna poop on him.
I <3333 Daphne and Matt!
I seriously thought the twitchy arm on the floor was puppet man's for a second. Also, EW.
Poor Meredith... I'm still hoping she's okay. I really like her!
Hooray Mohinder isn't gross and scaly anymore!
Tracy totally deserved that punch for the Pikachu comment. Bitch! No one messes with Hiro!
Oh noes Nathan is evil!!! (and Heroes has an Obama too! But is he evil???? Oh noes!)
Please please pleeeeease let Peter and Claire go on the run together in "Fugitives"... *incestuous cackling*

Anyone who HASN'T seen the video of the guy throwing a shoe at Bush needs to go youtube it RIGHT NOW because it is the FUNNIEST SHIT EVER. You go journalist dude!

Also since I don't anticipate anymore outstanding achievements in the next two weeks before January, I'm going to do the new years meme now.
1. What was your proudest accomplishment in 2008?
-Making the Dean's list in the spring after the semester from HELL. Also, FINALLY getting to go to Europe.
2. What was (were) your New Year's resolution(s) for 2008? Did you reach it?
-I usually don't make resolutions but I think my only one for 2008 was that it be better than 2007 was, which was a year that completely SUCKED. So, I accomplished that one, as 2008 was moderately interesting and not so much with the suckage.
3. What is (are) your resolution(s) for 2009?
-Lose weight. I'm serious about this one. Not even that much, really, just like 15 pounds and I would look and probably feel soooo much better. My school is sponsoring this thing called Eat Less to Feed More, starting January (only $25 to join, money goes to feed poor people, thus the name) and you get a physical and stuff included. Plus if you accomplish you goal weight loss by the end of April, you get a prize or something.
-graduate! Just have to make it through one more semester and I'm done with college FOREVER!!!
That's about it. I really have to crack down on the weight though. It's getting a bit ridiculous lately.

heroes, bored

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