Assignment: Write an explication of an Emily Dickinson poem.

Sep 10, 2007 13:21

So much Summer
Me for showing
Illegitimate -

WTF DOES THIS MEAN??!? Emily, you should have hidden these better. The academics have trussed you up and cut you.

In other news: I got Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge today!

In other other news: I told someone this morning that I was planning to get a Ph D in Creative Writing and she said, "You might change your mind." Granted, she doesn't know anything about me and so couldn't possibly realize how hardcore I am about this, but still. That seems like a pretty jackass thing to say right off the bat (edit: and then repeat twice more during the conversation.) Especially since she's an alumnus of my school and thus realizes that it's not exactly Easy-A University. It's not even Easy-B University. It's Buttrape You With Your Pants On University.

La la la, off to class now.

mcr, paramore crack au

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