Hai guyz, I'm rly upset. Srsly.

Sep 07, 2007 16:43

My precious wonderful incandescent notebook is falling apart. :( It's very unfair, as the last notebook (same kind) lasted for a full semester and a half, INCLUDING air travel. It went from Glasgow to Edinburgh by train, from there to Heathrow (London) to Newark to Savannah by plane, and then to Charlotte and back again by car AT LEAST TWICE and it's still in one piece.


Most of this is due to the different bags I used; in Scotland, the notebook got carried around in a protective bookbag. When I filled up that notebook and switched to the second one (the one that's fallen apart), I was using a canvas shoulder bag that didn't protect the notebook from my walking rhythm and made it curl up at the corners. I'm only halfway through it, but two stacks of paper have separated from the spine, despite (or possibly due to) my repair job on the lowest hole. I tried to secure them back in with loops of duct tape on the spine, but that only worked on the back bit. The middle one is still attempting to escape. :(

. . .

The repair job looks rather ghetto, I know, but I had limited materials. The corners curled up something awful, and the string tended to rip the paper if I didn't turn the pages carefully. BUT you can see that this notebook is a4 sized (meaning it's LONGER that most US notebooks) and narrow ruled, which meant that there was plenty of room to write! Also, the glued spine allowed me to fold the front under (which you can't do with hardcover books) and didn't catch on things the way spiral notebooks do.


. . .

I'm very upset about all of this. I have another clean notebook of the same type at home (I brought 3 over from Glasgow), but I haven't half-filled this one yet! So many fics-bits encased in this.

For example, here's the rough draft of Unfair Tactical Advantage on two pages:

. . .

You can see the beginnings of another story in the middle of the first page, and a crochet diagram (in green) that was on the page before that slutty fic snuck in! You can see where i crossed out the first paragraph, started the other story, then abandoned that and went back to the first one, adding a check mark to indicate that the paragraph was ok after all. The black ink is from a few weeks later, when I got to class early and decided to finish the fic while waiting. I'd written on several following pages, so I added the @ symbol to indicate these two pages went together. Initially I wrote in paragraph form, but then the professor started class and I switched to script form, just wanting to get the dialogue down before I forgot it. I wrote the script in the margins because I thought I'd come back later and write it full out, but I just ended up inserting the narration via many swoopy arrows.

I'm not sure you guys wanted to know about that extremely messy process, but there it is. ^_^


Anyway. I think I'll get a better padded school bag. Sadly, there just isn't a good selection of writing journals in any of the stores around here. Also, I need to convince someone from the UK to get me more, eventually. YES I WANT SOMEONE TO SHIP ME CHEAP NOTEBOOKS ACROSS THE ATLANTIC OCEAN. PROBS??!?

notebook transcription, picspam

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