(no subject)

Jun 15, 2007 00:31

You know what I want to see? A PotC:AWE fix-it fic crossover with The Corpse Bride. Our poor dead person wakes up in the Underworld, surrounded by skeletons and jazz. Then we just need to get someone from Upstairs to accidentally propose marriage. (spoilers for AWE in comments)

In other news, my family gets a bump up the social ladder by replacing the peanut butter in our liquor cabinet with sake, and then I screw it up by drinking rum and fruit juice. The fruit juice of the moment is Welch's (in single-serving bottles), but there's some Kool-Aid Jammers (Capri Sun-style pouches) in the pantry that I've got my eye on. So, so cracker. ::shakes head in shame:: In my defense, I drank the sake first. I warmed it up and everything. The rum punch is just to maintain the buzz.

On the other head, we'll see if Jack and James turn out more drunk if I write them while drunk.

The point of all this, really, is to be able to say, "Yeah, I drunk posted" but I fear my normal posting is so, um, "free-thinking" and my drinking skills are so limited that there won't be much of a difference expect that possibly I will blather a bit more than is my wont.

i'm so on crack, comment-fic, pirates of the caribbean, movies and tv

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