Random desperate meme

Jan 28, 2011 12:28

Bonjourrrrr flisters. As you may have noticed, I haven't written crap over the past, idk, two months? I've been doing random research and plugging a lot of plotholes in BPoBD, but that's not proper writing.

SO. Without making any promises, without fostering any expectations (because I suck), I'd like for y'all to

1) post a picture
2) write two or three words
3) ???
4) Profit! *

*meaning I may write a ficlet for that pic and those words. OR I might just gaze at it in distress for a while, spin a plausible scenario, hash out a few plot details, think of a few salient images, determine the tone and POV, and then go take a nap and write nothing.

"What kind of pictures?" you ask. Anything, from anywhere! Your personal files, National Geographic, your favorite tumblr, the Cheezburger network, Google Images, a random historical archive, your butt (though I suppose that would fall under the heading of "personal file.")

In case you don't know already, TinyPic is a great image hosting service, super fast and anonymous. No registration necessary (but you do have to slay the Captcha dragon.) Not that I'm going to judge you if you use Lj scrapbook or anything. Posting a url to the tumblr post or w/e is fine, too, but hotlinking to the image itself is not cricket. :/

"What kind of words?" you ask. Anything! Whatever the picture makes you think of, something you've been thinking of lately, a word that's fun to say, random profranity, political buzzwords, thoughts on my mother. Remember, inspiration can come from ~anywhere.

"What kind of profit?" you ask. ANYTH-- Actually, probably nothing. I may write a ficlet for that pic and those words. or I may gaze at it in distress for a while. If you're lucky, I'll spin a plausible scenario, hash out a few plot details, think of a few salient images, determine the tone and POV, and then go take a nap and write nothing. But at the very least, you'll have forced me to look at a picture of your choosing.

You know what, if this post just turned into us posting random pics we like, that'd be cool, too. (though fair warning, I have work at 5pm EST and will probably go to sleep right after. GO ON WITHOUT ME.)

don't love me i will only hurt you, gimme prompts

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