The original concept for this was to have Elena Pike holding a rifle and wearing a huge coat and big-ass mountain-stomping boots and nothing else. As it turns out, I don't actually know how to draw a rifle, a coat, or boots. But I do know how to draw a naked woman. So I'm gonna quit while I'm ahead.
WARNING: This work contains full frontal nudity (female) and near nudity. In other words, SHE'S NEKKID. Don't look too long or Pike will kick your ass.
Here's the nude version first:
Large version: 2000x3000px Here she is with some skivvies on:
Large version: 2000x3000px And here's a few detail crops, some of which include nekkidness.
I didn't save a lot of in-progress pics, but I do have the bottom layers, which show some of the journey.
I always start with the skeleton:
Here's that skeleton with some muscles added on. THEORETICALLY I would then add the skin, but in actuality I drew the body right from the skeleton and sketched in the muscles later to check my work.
And then I added the skin-sack. :)
Here's the outline of the body by itself, because I think it's pretty.
For the face, because this is supposed to be Pike's sister, I straight up TRACED BRUCE GREENWOOD. And you know what? He liked it.
I tightened up the hollow beneath the cheekbones because Elena is supposed to be younger than Pike is here. You'll also notice his mouth is open in that cap, so I had to shift the jawline up in order for Elena's mouth to be closed and not look 'flicted. It took me a week to realize that because I'M A DOOFUS but I fixed it eventually, ok. (Take a look at the full-body outline to see the 'flicted version.)
Then I started to color. I started off with a block fill of the body outline with a base skin color, then added darker shades or lighter shades as needed. In this run-through, I concentrated ONLY on skin-tone, NOT shadow. Elena is an outdoorsy girl who puts in a lot of hours at the ranch, so she's got a farmer's tan going on. Don't judge.
I also added FRECKLES and maybe went a little overboard because I fucking love freckles. You should love them, too.
There's not a lot of definition on that layer; that comes in with the shading. I created a whole new layer for that. That way I could use the smudge tool without mucking up the glorious freckles, and I could adjust the transparency of the layer depending on how dramatic I wanted the shadows to be.
Obviously my erasing skills need work. Also, IF ELENA EVER TURNS INTO A GHOST, THIS IS WHAT SHE'LL LOOK LIKE.
The skivvies got a layer for color and another for shading, also, so here's Ghost!Elena with skivvies on because even ghosts have modesty. (NB: they do not have eyes or mouths. Them's the breaks, cuz.)