It's been a while since I begged shamelessly for fic, right?

Oct 29, 2010 16:24

IF YOU WRITE THIS FIC FOR ME I'LL WRITE SOMETHING IN RETURN. Fingers crossed. I've been good about that lately! And I don't ask for much-- I'd probably be happy with two sentences. :D

From ORIGINAL PIC IS NOT WORKSAFE. It's a nekkid lady on a beach, although her arms are conveniently placed to prevent X-rated status.

The important part is that in the background, behind the nekkid lady (who is wearing a sombrero and carrying a bottle of wine, btw) is this:

George and Winona y/n?

The future being what it is, Starfleet's secure internal social network (aka Spacebook) has been in existence for nearly a century. Imagine the archives, people. Just imagine.

What I'm sayin' is, this fic should star a traumatized Jim Kirk.

(I should be getting home from work about 1am EST, but I'll probably be online for all of 10 minutes before I go to bed so don't kill yourself trying to beat the deadline.)

it could work, star trek

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