Three more sets of questions!

Jun 03, 2010 15:20

from possibly_thrice:

Your questions made me tl;dr! I did my best to contain myself, but consider this a warning.

1. Tell me about Boomer and Trafalgar. Particularly Boomer, because Boomer looks EXACTLY LIKE MY DOG down to the goddamn eyebrows, except a little heavier built and with different actual eyes but even so I was freaked out when I saw a picture, okay.

Boomer is sitting on my lap as I type this! Yes, he is a big dog. This does not seem to dissuade him. However, it is dissuading me slightly, so I am going to take a break from typing and watch an ep of SPN instead, since that does not require the use of my hands (it does require me to see the screen, so Boomer will have to move his big fuzzy head.)


Ok, I'm back! Boomer was sitting on my lap because it was thundering and he's terrified of thunder, which makes him horribly inappropriately named. When it thunders he'll follow me into the bathroom (but luckily not into the shower) and stick his head under chairs and jump onto my bed to lie down next to me, usually stepping on me (and my hair!) in the process. Boomer is basically a lummox.

Traf is a high-strung emotional type with fantastic spatial awareness (I've only tripped over him maybe twice in all the years we've had him) and he is always Thinking About Things. He's so smart he has neuroses, ok, which is really impressive when you consider that Boomer's default emotion is Vacant Happiness.

If Boomer were a human, he would wear a cream-colored turtleneck and houndstooth checked trousers and sit in Starbucks with a latte and an empty moleskine notebook, and all the ladies would come to see him and enjoy all the empty phrases he says about Foucault or the Third World or independent cinema, and then they would have a civilized discussion about who gets to take him home that night.

On other days, he would wear jeans and a ratty t-shirt and sit in a bar with a PBR and the sports page, and all the ladies would come to see him and enjoy all the empty phrases he says about the Dallas Cowboys or the damn liberal media or the automobile industry, and then they would have a bitchfight about who gets to take him home that night. Boomer gazes on with a vaguely uncomprehending look in his pretty blue eyes.

I cannot imagine what Traf would be like as a human because he already is one.

2. Write origfic, do you/have you ever/will you?

Yes, but most of the manuscripts I've produced since high school have been for classes or contests, and I don't particularly like them. I intend to eventually write a sprawling, universe-building epic (specifically named the Big Project of Big Doom), but 1) my self-discipline is sorely lacking and 2) that shit is complicated, yo. I need more skillz.

I guess technically I'm using fic as "practice" for real writing, but the line between fanfic and origfic is very hazy for me.

First of all, my chosen genres are sci-fi and (scientific) fantasy, so it's not like I'll be a "real" author anyway because all sci-fi is trash doncha know my thought processes will be all that different. Anything I write will necessarily be engaging with and commenting on tropes and archetypes just like everything ever produced in any genre or medium in the history of ever.

Secondly, the way I produce my orig narratives is by "leaping off" something, usually a fandom. I create hella complicated backstories with tons of OCs and then I file the serial numbers off. Go ahead and judge me, fucker; at least I don't write fanfic for Shakespeare and pretend that's not exactly what it is. (NB: I have anger issues concerning the continuum of fanfic vs. origfic vs. profic vs. litfic aka ~~literature. I'm talking "flames on the side of my face" levels. Don't get me started.)

That brings me to the third point, which is that when I do get around to producing the Big Project of Big Doom, I will not seek publication or otherwise identify as a professional author. I'll just post my stuff online for free and stay the hell away from the "writing culture" because I get stabbity (see above re: anger issues. RAEEEEG....)

3. Do you have a favorite fairy tale? What are your feelings about fairy tales generally?

Off the top of my head I don't have a favorite, but I really appreciate the idea of fairy tales (and other myths.) Storytelling is the defining characteristics of our species. No matter how old or foreign a story is, it is a recognizable piece of humanity. There's a great sense of connection or familiary. Besides that, I like the casual incorporation of magic. ^_^

I lied, I do have a favorite. It's not a proper fairy tale, just a snippet of a religious myth as told by my brother. I don't remember it exactly, but here's the essence:

Bro: Do you know why Ganesh has an elephant head?
Me: No, why?
Bro: Because when Ganesh was a child, his father decapitated him. When his mother found out, she was very angry, and she told the father, "You get him another head. NOW."

I bet even after going through all the trouble to find an elephant and cut off its head, the father still had to sleep on the couch.

4. How much headcanon do you have about Gaila? About Jim?

I have very little headcanon about Gaila. I'm fairly sure that Orions have multiple genders, some of which may be better classified as life stages (e.g., "child" is a gender.) The majority of Orion genders are not sexual. The Orion women that other species typically see-- the self-enslaving sexed-up animal women-- are in the medusa stage. Medusa as in the sexual stage of jellyfish, not the famous Gorgon. All Orions become all genders at some point. So you know, in a few years, Gaila will morph into a male humanoid.

Sadly that's the depth of the detail I have on that, though I also know that her skeletal system is composed of chitin rather than calcium carbonate like humans. I don't know how old she is, but I think she's older than we think. (And now, as I'm typing this, it's occurred to me that the capacity for metamorphosis could easily give rise to changes in core body structure and skin color, so xeno-scientists have probably inaccurately designated Orions of certain genders as being members of a separate species. Orions, as a culture, probably manipulate outsiders' view of them quite easily, and purposefully withhold information.)

My general impetus for all of that is to take the assertion in the Cage that "It's ok to sexually objectify Orion women, they like it!" and make it much less skeevy. Because holy fuck was that skeevy. :/

I have vague notions about how Jim grew up based on more extensive and detailed headcanon about the people connected to him: Jim wasn't on Tarsus IV but his brother was, though Jim was not told about what happened there (and he may find out at the Academy.) His maternal grandmother helped raised him until she died when he was a kid and Uncle Frank was his primary caretaker from then on; Uncle Frank has lots of headcanon. Winona went back onto active duty when Jim started school. Reboot!Jim, unlike Kirk!Prime who might have lived on different colonies, is pretty much a homegrown Iowan farmboy who joined the military to get out of the state.

5. When did you start running?

In middle school I started taking long walks/sprints around the neighborhood, lasting for hours. So basically as soon as my parents let me out of the house alone. (I don't actually run a whole bunch because I can't hash stuff out as well while running, and also I used to do most of my running on concrete sidewalks and no. Just no. I'm a fat girl, ok, my knees have been damaged enough already. The beach is awesome, though; if my ankle weren't fucked up right now and if the weather weren't so damn muggy I'd be working on stamina.)

from order_of_chaos:

1. Backstory! Not necessarily tragic. Tell me!

Born and raised in a tree-filled barely-city wedged between an ocean and a river. More small town than metropolis, full of yahoos and winter vacationers and overrun by tourists in the summer. Summer is terrible. Childhood plagued by insomnia, due to noisy Lego construction and televised baseball games. Can't sleep when sheets stick to the skin with sweat. School alright except for being too early; schoolmates not that interesting. Wandered the halls after hours waiting for mother to finish grading. Grandparents white Baptists, uncle a crazy Methodist who disbelieves in global warming; me an atheist at eight. Gay at eight, too. Fetish at five. A writer at four. Slit wrists in middle school (shallow scratches tracing the whimsical courses of veins.) Legally changed name in high school (parents thought I wouldn't follow through.) Left for college, returned, am cheerfully underemployed. On my 25th birthday, I will turn into an olm.

2. What is one value you value, and how did you come by it? (if you remember)

Be considerate. I don't mean be ~nice to people, I mean consider things. Compassion is good to have but don't go overboard or anything. Be thoughtful. The best thing you can do for yourself and those around you is to know what is happening, why it is happening, and how to change what is happening if you want. Don't just flail around randomly; choose your words and actions. Examine what you have done and the consequences of it. Go deeper with the rules of the diegesis. Don't handwave problems, fix them. Fill your plotholes. Be consistent. For fuck's sake, does Jack need to sleep or not? Etc.

I came by this value after noticing that bad things happen to stupid people. :)

3. Do you read meta, and what do you think of it if you do?

I read slightly more meta now than I used to because my ST flisters produce awesome meta. I use it to inform/modify my own opinions of canon issues. If it doesn't seem relevant to what I'm doing or otherwise interesting I tend to x out, though.

4. Your money or your life?

While I like physical money (it smells and feels so nice; I appreciate it the way some people appreciate physical books) I don't actually need or want a whole lot of it, so I'd rather have my life. I mean what would I do with a jet plane anyway.

5. Post-post-modernism as applied to raindrops - make something up.

o.O I'm not sure I even remember what post-post-modernism is. D:

Ok, here goes: raindrops are significant largely through the distortions they affect on other objects (refraction, etc.) But the objects are never changed; it is only your perception which is distorted.

from kel_reiley:

1. If Tosh Sato ever met Tosh Fraggle, what would happen? Would the universe implode? Or would they have crazy adventures together? (apparently tosh fraggle has a "pet beast")

Oh my goodness, I don't know anything about Fraggles, but I'm assuming that they would have crazy adventures because that's what always happens. Anyway, they're not the same person, they just have the same name, so the universe is not in danger of implosion. ^_^

2. If you took a cross-country road-trip, which places would you absolutely have to stop in?

My favorite destinations are in my ~mind. Srsly though, I have no idea. The Grand Canyon? Active volcanoes on Hawaii because you can totally drive there? My picks would be of geographical interest rather than cultural or historical.


Well, I've already answered this with my long-term top five, so I'll tell you my top five six of what I've gotten recently:

Led Zeppelin - I (the one with the Hindenburg on it, I think. I'm ruminating on writing a zombie flick and one of the songs on this album will be the soundtrack for the climactic battle.)

Raconteurs - Broken Boy Soldier and Consolers of the Lonely (Basically the soundtrack for my final semester at college. And it inspired orig!fic.)

White Stripes - Elephant (I'm chill with Jack White, ok, leave me alone.)

Plushgun - Pins and Panzers (I got this from ontd_st and I like it despite myself. There's a definite high school vibe to it, but the music is smooth and the lyrics aren't about love.)

Black Keys - Thickfreakness (Two white guys from Ohio who sound like two black guys from Alabama. I've pretty much worn this album out.)

VAST - Visual Audio Sensory Theatre (good creepy alt rock with world music thrown in, though three or four of the tracks get insta-skipped. I still like it despite mental associations with a person I don't talk to anymore so it must be pretty good.)

I've been getting a lot of awesome songs from DJ Scamandalous and putting them on mix CDs, but none of those are strictly albums so they don't count.

As an addendum to that previous music post, I want to point out that The Beastie Boys were my favorite band after Dave Matthews was my favorite band, and I flipped out when "Sabotage" started blaring in ST:XI. Best. Song. EVAR.

I've just ordered Beck - Guero but after I've worn that out I'm going to scope out the albums on your top five and go shopping. :D

4. Fight to the death between Nimoy Spock and Quinto Spock (the characters, not the actors): Who would win?

They would probably agree not to fight. Suicide is illogical! If they absolutely had to fight, though, Quinto!Spock would win, if for no other reason than he has the advantage of big-budget fight choreography. He could also blind Spock with ~~lensflaaaare. Speaking diegetically Quinto!Spock would win because he's hella aggro, I mean damn dude chillax.

If it were a situation other than mano a mano, though, Nimoy!Spock would win because he has BFFs whereas Quinto!Spock has either pissed everyone off or scared the crap out of them. Uhura would totes help her man but she's tiny and won't be able to help much (besides taking out Kelley!McCoy, of course.)

It goes without saying that if Saldana!Uhura and Nichols!Uhura were to fight, we would win.

5. How many licks does it take to get to the tootsie-roll center of a tootsie-pop?

IDK, I'd rather gnaw on it. that's what she said

trafalgar, boomer, meme, bpobd, i have opinions!, star trek, damn dogs

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