Boomer picspam!

Sep 03, 2009 16:30

It has been brought to my attention by the illustrious stunt_muppet that I haven't posted pictures of our newest dog, Boomer.

Boomer wandered into our front yard a few months ago and got nabbed by my brother John. He hung out with us for a while, riling up Traf and nearly killing the cat. Other than that he was really chill, and even let me stand him up on his haunches and make him dance. Boomer liked to get out of the house and trot circles around us, coming into close range then darting away when we went to grab him. Thus, he was dubbed "Boomerang." Boomer for short, and Boom-Boom when I feel like it. Because he is fluffy.

After a few weeks Leo died (she had been very ill for a while) so Boomer was allowed to roam freely again. Traf even calmed down after a while and is only a butt to him sometimes, instead of all the time.

Now pictures!

Here's all three dogs chillaxing in the living room. Traf is the wee black dog, Forrest is the big lumpy black dog, and Boomer is the One of These Is Not Like The Others dog. Also, fluffy.

Boomer's fluff is in fine form in this pic of him sleeping on the sofa in my bedroom. Yes, those ears are exactly as soft and fuzzy as they appear. I nibble them sometimes.

Here's a close-up of Boomer with his eyes open. THEY ARE BLUE! That almost makes it forgiveable that I've accidentally called him "Bones" on multiple occasions. They may not be the exact shade as Deforest Kelley's eyes, but close enough.

Here, Boomer took the opportunity to use my laptop when I went downstairs for a Coke. Clearly, he has to keep up with his peeps on Facebook. Fun fact: in the bottom left corner, you may be able to see the pillowcase that HE TOTALLY RIPPED UP. But I digress.

What can we conclude from this?
BOOMER IS FLUFFY. All other things are of lesser importance.

boomer, picspam, damn dogs

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