Numbered Update

Feb 05, 2009 14:55

1) I have discovered that since upgrading my RAM, VLC will play directly from the DVD without skipping! Used to be I had to watch DVDs with PowerDVD, and if I wanted to take caps I had to rip it to an ISO with DVDShrink and trick my computer into thinking the ISO was an actual DVD with Daemon Tools, or rip it to a VOB and watch it that way. This was tedious and took up a lot of space, especially if I wanted to keep the best quality. NO MORE! Because of this new and joyous discovery, I am having more trouble than usual convincing myself that screencapping the hell out of The Fantastic Four and doing an epic picspam of epicness is a bad idea. The Internet does not need to know that Chris Evans makes me giggle like a little girl and that my biggest dream is to see him co-star with Jack Davenport in a movie about two brothers who were separated in childhood and raised in different countries but then they meet each other and try to get to know each other and there are HIJINCKS and FOIBLES and possibly BROTHERLY SNARK AND WRESTLING. The Internet has no interest in this, I'm sure.

2) I finally unpacked from college! I graduated eight months ago. Don't judge me. :(

3) It is too cold to work in my office, but luckily I got a second set of speakers for Christmas so I can experience high-quality surround sound even when snuggled in bed.

4) Got my W-2 from this year's job and realized I'm getting a sweet refund, discovered a paycheck from last year's job and realized I would ALSO be getting a sweet refund except THEY NEVER SENT ME MY W-2. I suppose there are numbers I could call to get it reissued for free, but I am lazy and would rather pay $7 online for a reissue so that I can get it INSTANTLY in pdf form. Which I just did. Once I work up the courage to put on a jacket, I'll go out to my dad's office and file my taxes. Then I just have to wait 6 to a bajillion weeks for my moneys. Whoo!

5) Re-dyed my hair. The store was out of my usual "soft black" aka "sweet cola" (how awesome is that??) so I bought "black licorice" instead. I reasoned, this is Garnier so it's not like it'll be jet black and I'm gonna be walking around like a Hot Topic poster kid or anything, but I was a little nervous. It turned out just fine, except this doesn't change the fact that every time I find a pink hair on an old jacket or blanket, I have to sit down for a few minutes because I'm sad.

6) I e-mailed three professors for letters of reference for a tutor position at a local university. It's probably gross overkill but hey, HR wanted letters of reference, mmkay? It's not my fault I'm way awesomer than they were expecting. The only problem is that the program I'm seeking a job with is federally funded, so we'll see how that goes.

7) I just got surprised by baby!fic. HOW IS THAT EVEN FAIR. You know, I try to stay classy, but every once in a while I get the urge to make a second LJ account just so I can express my rage. And by "express my rage" I mean "quote from specific fic and tear it apart in various unfair ways." I would probably end up psychoanalyzing the authors as well, and that will never end well. But seriously, I keep having this notion that bad ficcers won't CHANGE unless you TELL THEM WHAT THEY ARE DOING WRONG. I don't mean grammar and punctuation; I mean projection and fetishization and glurge and rampant unawareness of HOW RELATIONSHIPS ACTUALLY WORK. Also, an apparent unawareness of THE FANDOM THEY ARE WRITING IN. Hellooooo! Torchwood? Secret alien-fighting organization? Deals with death and weird diseases and stuff? Has the ABILITY TO TAKE PEOPLE'S MEMORIES? Office located underground, complete with pet dinosaur, contains a canon relationship wherein one partner is IMMORTAL AND FROM THE MOTHER-EFFIN' FUTURE and the other one MANAGED TO HIDE HIS CYBER GIRLFRIEND IN THE BASEMENT FOR MONTHS WITHOUT ANYONE FINDING OUT UNTIL THERE WAS DEATH. What about that screams "domesticity" to you? Jeebus, GWEN AND RHYS probably won't be able to have kids. How the hell will Jack and Ianto? I understand that a fair amount of fic is self-indulgence and wish-fulfillment but I swear to god every other fandom EVER is better suited to domestic!fic than Torchwood is. I'm not saying that Jack and Ianto can't have a healthy and rewarding relationship, but I'm just not seeing where curtains and babies fit into it. Also: every time you write fic where Ianto is Jack's most speshulest bf evar, a kitten dies. Slowly, and with blood.

8) Apparently I don't need a secret LJ account in order to be a bitch.

rant, torchwood

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