NEWSLETTER. Because you care about what I'm doing. ^^

Oct 13, 2008 04:15

Academic news first:

Did no work on That Paper Which Is Looming Over Me this week. So fucked! Except really not, because dude, I just need a script for a fifteen minute presentation. There's three sections, and two of them have been outlined or written in full paper form already. Compression and revision will be loads easier than writing. Still have to figure out what's going on with Castrovalva in terms of deep analysis rather than superficial analysis, but I won't have time to go into the deep analysis anyway so it's not that big of a deal. The weirdest part will be figuring out how to display everything-- Powerpoint, I guess, with some screenshots, web-captures, and short clips? Nargh. I've written 15-page papers in a turn-around of 3 days before. I have 18 days. I'll be fine. I just have to, you know, start. :/

Oh! Did I mention? I got the schedule for the conference, and I'm going first. Whoo. 9am on the first day. Mostly because I'm young, unaffiliated with a university, and no-one knows who the hell I am. I dunno how many people will show up for my presentation, but at least the people that do will know me for the rest of the conference, particularly as I'm going back to pink hair for the duration.

I just checked out the full schedule for the conference-- not just the Doctor Who panels. Ho shit. It's 57 pages long. I think I'm the only "Independent Scholar" on there. Fuck. Fuck. What the fuck am I doing? On the plus side, I'm actually presenting on the second day of the conference proper (a Friday) so there's a better chance I'll have a crowd. Or is that a minus? FUCK.

Now for the fannish news:

* I've done a smattering of Torchwood and Classic Who icons (including the one on this entry), and have half of a Combat picspam/recap done. And by 'half' I mean 'one fifth.'

* Did a rough draft of a new section of the Toshanto AU-- it's crap, but it exists and that's a big step forward from the past month or so. I did some good revisions in the rest of the fic, as well.

* The Alcohol Annals are 3/5ths done (I need to do Owen and Tosh's stories next) and then I'll x-post the whole thing to the comm. In case you haven't figured it out yet, the Alcohol Annals is a 5-part series of un-connected fics, each focusing on one member of Team Torchwood. Drunk. :D Come to my bosom, fandom cliche. Nuzzle at my breast.

* This morning I started a story that is poety and dense because, dammit, sometimes I just want to be obtuse and write in iambs. I like to torture the English language, ok? English fucking likes it. Whore.
This story should be done soon, possibly this evening. There is imagery evoking Jell-O. I can smell the Pulitzer now.


* My work week is over until Friday, so I can go back to my normal ficcing schedule. Rough draft written in Denny's at 4am, typed up in Starbucks at 9pm.

* I'm starting to cycle into a diurnal schedule again; I went to sleep at 11 am today. This was awkward. The sun was like, "Dude, you're still here? Don't you, like, have to get up for work in 4 hours?" And I was like, "STFU. My art is worth it. (In case you were wondering, this is about where the Jell-O imagery came in.)

* Watching presidential debates with the family is fun, except when Senator McCain is angry and I become physically uncomfortable.

* It has been raining all day, and my car is low on gas.
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