Title: Five Thoughts Regarding The Dead
kaylashay81Rating: FR13
Disclaimer: I'm not Bellesario or CBS, so I don't claim to own them.
ncisdrabble100; Challenge #74 - Body
Word Count: 300
Spoilers: 02x23 Twilight; 03x01&02 Kill Ari
ncis_haven Summary: They all had to deal with dead bodies one way or another.
I let the sound of the sandpaper drive away my thoughts. Thoughts about how I couldn’t save them. Thoughts about how I never got to see them one last time. Their bodies were already buried by the time I made it home. I never got to kiss Shannon goodbye or hold Kelley tightly as I told her I loved her.
I try to remember him as he was when I was younger. He always took the time to give me a hug or give me some gift he acquired in his travels. But every time I try to, it morphs into the way he looked in Gibbs’ basement with the bullet hole in his forehead. The bullet I put there.
Sometimes I wonder if I’ve become desensitized to it all. I see pictures every day that would give the average person nightmares for life. I run tests on bits of tissue that use to be part of a living person. I can’t stop to think about it. If I did, I know I would break. Instead, I just keep working.
I’ve seen dead bodies before. I’ve seen people killed. I’ve killed people. But something about her death twists my gut into knots. It could be the way her warm blood splattered on my face. It could be that she was standing right next to me talking. Deep down, I know the truth. It could have been me that Ari shot.
Tibbs walked through the scene with an air of confidence. It wasn’t his first dead body and it wouldn’t be his last, but he knew that he would find the person responsible and bring them to justice. He looked over his team with pride, even though he would never tell- I cursed quietly as I reached for a new ribbon.