Title: Escaped Vocabulary
kaylashay81Rating: FR13
Disclaimer: I'm not Bellesario or CBS, so I don't claim to own them.
ncisdrabble100; Challenge #70 - Escape
Spoiler: 05x07 Requiem
Word Count: 300
ncisfanfic Summary: Ducky asks Gibbs about his lapse in vocabulary. Episode tag to Requiem.
Click for the fic... )
I've got some rough ideas in my head to do a larger fic from this episode that is kind of in line with my "How do you solve a problem..." fic. Just gotta figure out if I want to go slash or keep it gen, that's the hard choice.
But, seriously, has any episode needed an episode tag more than "Requiem"? There was just SO much that needed to be addressed and explained and mentioned and... auuuggghhh... *deep breath* You tag was excellent.
Thanks for the vote of confidence on my slash vs. gen skills. I never thought I would write slash and usually only read it by select authors and then I found NCIS... and somehow the slash is seeping out everywhere... Don't know what it is about that show, but... ;-)
Gibbs and that lunchbox was precious- did you go online to see what was in it? Very cute.
I still can't believe there was never any mention of Tony's health or plague-damaged lungs or anything on NCIS itself, thank god for fanfic dealing with it!
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