Title: Dear Sis
kaylashay81Rating: FR13
Disclaimer: I'm not Bellesario or CBS, so I don't claim to own them.
Genre: Slash
Pairing: Gibbs/DiNozzo
Characters: McGee; Abby; Sarah McGee; Tony; Gibbs
Word Count: 1,000
avamcleanSetting: Post- 06x25 Aliyah
Note: Title of M*A*S*H episode 07x15 inspired this fic...
Series: 11th Story in
Letters to Home
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I still need to do my "Tony writes slash fanfiction" fic that I've been pondering for a while.
"You could use these as inspiration, Tim."
Only later he has to write back and tell her he found out who it is. :-) Let's see... what would Tony's penname be? Buckeye69? Not Sex Machine. :-):-)
It would fit this series what with the writing theme and all. *ponders*
I have thought a lot about Tony's penname. There's so many possibilities. I do like buckeye69 though.... Hee!
I almost need to do an icon with him in his jacket from whichever ep that was and Buckeye69 on there.... *ponders more*
I've been getting frustrated. I put USA on on the treadmill when I'm working out and I get the sucky episodes while I'm on it and then just as I'm wrapping up, a good one will come on. My timing for exercise is off a bit.
They need to accommodate my exercise schedule darn it... my success on the treadmill depends on it!!
I'll sic Gibbs on them.
I take it the treadmill isn't at home? Bummer, cuz then you could put in a DVD. :-)
Maybe one day I'll get lucky and they'll do a good one.
There's one downfall to that. If I don't go to the gym right after work I end up not going because I don't want to leave the apartment again after I get settled at home... I guess I'll just have live with it.
And cross my fingers that USA will turn around and do some good eps in the right timeframe soon.
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