Today MUST Be Tuesday

Jul 12, 2005 12:13

According to my calculations, when monday ends, it automatically becomes Tuesday....
Now, assuming that this is true, since yesterday was Monday, today MUST be Tuesday.

So, now that we've got all that cleared up......Today, being Tuesday the 12th, leaves me with 46 days until I can move to OU.....Arg! I should have just started this summer! Anyway, now comes the big decision of what to do with my next 46 days.....I'm thinking road trip! Oh wait, I just got a new job. DAMN! Uh, how about, I don't know. Anything has got to be better than this, aye. Maybe grandparents, if they ever call me, but.....blah, don't wanna. Rent-a-room for a month, then road trip til August 27: the best day of my life....? That sounds better, any info on rent a room, or have a room you wanna rent out? Call me.....

Until then, my friends I have one more thing to say:

Thank you to all of my friends who have been nothing but supportive and as helpful as possible, thank you so much for everything, the prayers, love, and encouragement, you have no idea how much this has all meant to me in this time of pain. God really has blessed me by putting all of you into my life.

In a time when I thought the only things that could soothe were cutting and Coldplay, you guys really came through.................

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