Mar 20, 2009 19:57
i'm gunna be single at least til the end of summer, hopefully..
but for now i'm making a list of guys i fancy, weather it's kinda sorta or alot, they'll be on here.
i'll remake and post a new entry whenever my feelings for some one change or i meet someone new.
well, ha.. i think if you've read any previous entries you know how this one goes.. (p.s. there's a 'kevin' tag on my journal.)
zach s-
wow, i just met him and rite now he's at the top of the top.
if i decide to ask him for a chance i'm hoping he'll give it to me again.
josh p-
well he 'supposably' from what i've heard is not one to trust as a significant other.. if this is true he's reaaly good at tricking me.
top as well, i'm very much considering him, he gave me butterflies today but i'm sure he wouldn't honestly be able to trust me again.
he's at the top of my possibilities at the moment, he's a very caring guy but last time, idk, it just got confusing so he's at the bottom of my possibilities.
josh h-
hmmm.. well, for know i just like flirting.. don't really see being with him.
i'd like to unburry the deeper side of him, but i'm not quite sure.. being with him is another i can't imagine.
alex k-
well, him.. i don't know rite now he's one of them at the bottom/middle-ish area because well i just like a few guys more than him at the moment.
haha, he lives in australia and i'd love to meet him one day. ^_^