txt conversation with joe

Feb 24, 2009 15:39

joseph:Wut ya up to?
me:not too much.
joseph:I took a nap and i feel alot better
me:that's good.. i'm glad. ^_^
joseph:You dont wanna talk to me.
joseph:i should just give this phone back.
joseph:Are ya busy sweetie
me:ha.. no, your being silly.
joseph:How. :) haha me silly. Shit.
joseph:So you feelin any better
me:quite a bit.
joseph:Thats good. I hope you do get better so i dont feel bad kissin ya. =/ lol
joseph:Wuts that for
joseph:Uhuh sure. Wuts they all say
me:so.. =P
joseph:Found out that mike didnt rape ashley
me:wow.. so what's the deal?
joseph:Ill ttyl about it. When no one is around
me:alright then.
joseph:So Wut you doing
me:laying here txting you, i just woke up a little after 3.
joseph:Being sick will do that
joseph:Still in bed. Must be nice
me:meh, lonely. =/
lol. =P ^_^
joseph:So why no talk
joseph:I could fix that
me:i'm talking.. o.0
me:then why don't you?
joseph:I am too. Muahaha
me:you said i wasn't!
joseph:I will soon.
joseph:Nut uh
me:what'd you mean by so why no talk then??
me:okay.. o.0
joseph:Wuts that face spost to mean
me:figure it out.
joseph:resend that last one
joseph:Wuts that face mean
me:i said figure it out. =P
joseph:I dont know Wut it means
joseph:No tell me please
me:sort of meant like okay.. in a whatever kind of way i guess. i don't know what it meant it's a face!
joseph:Wut eva. Why would you say that?
me:i don't know never mind, i'm fucking confused. stop asking me questions i don't know.
joseph:Is someone getting pissy?
me:yes, i don't know what we're talking about. your not making any sense.
you said you didn't mean anything by so why no talk.
i said okay.. o.0
as in what was the point of saying it if you didn't mean anything by it??
joseph:I know. But i said never mind
joseph:Why are you gettin pissy. Just drop it already. Ill explain later. Ugh
me:ok! look who's getting pissy now.. rawr.
me:i'm sorry i was just messing with you babe.
cheer up please.
joseph:I feel like shit.
me:i'm sorry, i wish i could help you feel better.
hey, when are you gunna find out about the job?
joseph:Idk. Prolly in the next few days
joseph:I think im gettin sick now. My body feels weak
me:i'm sorry, i feel horrible.
i can't believe i got you sick.
joseph:I dont think you did. It could be a variety of possibilities. Like walking in the rain, you, tj, you, the weather, and you
joseph:Tj says hurry up with his dragon ball z movie
me:oh did you ever tell him the book store called?
joseph:No.... ^_^
joseph:Wuts the number
me:i don't know, my phone was off and i got it on a voice mail so ya my phone didn't show the number.
joseph:I feel like crying
me:i'm sorry.. you feel like crying cuz you don't feel good?
joseph:No i dont wanna cry. I just felt like saying that
me:psh.. whatever. =P
buthead! ^_^
joseph:miss ya
me:maybe you should just stay at TJ's and rest, you probly don't feel like walking here.
me:aww, i miss you too.. ^_^
joseph:Im at the bowlin alley
me:i see.. so you are gunna come up then?
joseph:Idk. I feel like jello
me:babe i'm sorry you don't feel good, you should go home and rest.
joseph:Dont want to walk. Other wise i would. :(
me:you should've taken the ride from my mom.
me:she said she offered to take you home.
joseph:Oh i didnt here her. My bad. But now ill deal with it. Lol
me:alright.. does TJ have any medicine.
joseph:Id think so. Maybe. Im not gonna bug him. Im layin down
me:no i meant when you guys get home.
joseph:? Idk but this phone is gonna die. Lol it has one bar left.
me:that's wierd that phone usually stays alive for a day and a half, like 30 hours..
joseph:So Wut movies you get
infinite playlist
joseph:ya well it had 3 bars when i got it and now it keeps saying it has two or one bar
me:grr.. i told her to give you the charger.
go ahead and turn it off and just call me later and let me know how your doing.
joseph:K. Ttyl. Xoxo wait. Dont wanna get ya sick. Lol
hugs and tonzz of kisses..
joseph:Lol bye

my txt, love life, joseph

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