This was passed along to me on a message board.
Dunkin' Donuts yanks Rachael Ray ad I thought maybe they yanked the ad for something reasonable, like the fact that Rachel Ray is insufferably annoying. Sadly, this is not the case.
Does Dunkin’ Donuts really think its customers could mistake Rachael Ray for a terrorist sympathizer? The Canton-based company has abruptly canceled an ad in which the domestic diva wears a scarf that looks like a keffiyeh, a traditional headdress worn by Arab men.
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Some observers, including ultra-conservative Fox News commentator Michelle Malkin, were so incensed by the ad that there was even talk of a Dunkin’ Donuts boycott.
‘‘The keffiyeh, for the clueless, is the traditional scarf of Arab men that has come to symbolize murderous Palestinian jihad,’’ Malkin yowls in her syndicated column.
What. The. Fuck?
If there was ever a doubt that the far right has gone completely nuts, this should put that to rest.