Monogamy == Monotony?

Jun 11, 2010 23:24

Last year I was speaking with G4 back in the kitchen when this kind of issue was brought up. Basically, she said that during the course of her work, she had met female colleagues whose husbands cheated on them. Some of the women divorced, some of them forgave the husband, some of them stayed together for the sake of the young kids.

Apparently it had happened often enough for G4 to consider it inevitable in a marriage. She told me that she would close one eye if it her future husband were to do it to her. I tried to say I believe there are people who abide by their marriage vows but she was convinced that empirically the likelihood is too low. (Jack Neo's affair reminded me of her.)

I remember feeling really miserable after talking to her. She must be such a depressed individual! I thought to myself that if she had so many positive mainstream couples to take reference from and she would still think like this, then what about people like us? Even amongst us there are opponents to monogamy, saying that it is a "mainstream" model for "mainstream" people, not us. Perhaps monogamy is only a pipe dream?
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