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Jan 16, 2005 23:25

so i was reading kennys xanga and i saw the link to mine which made me click on it and i went back and read all that well not all of it but like some and i dunno it was just really cool. i dunno it jsut made me really glad i wrote in it so much because i was never very good at kepping a diary but it really is like a diary except that its online which is weird but at the same time it opens you up and like when i was reading it it was like i was remembering how i felt that day and at that point in my life and its also sorta a reference point as far as like who i was then and like how different i am now... like m last entry was almost a year ago, it was like right after cornerstone and that was also the last time i was up at o'dwyer but it feels like much longer than that just because of liek everything that ive been through since then i guess...i mean last year i guess what i did a lot was i looked at pictures from 8th grade and remembered how things used to be and you know even though they say a pictures worth a thousand words (and im pret6ty sure some of those entrys were probably a bout a thousand words lol) pictures really couldnt tell me what was going through my mind at that moment in time and i jsut think that it was cool. yeahhhh and i know i overanalyze everything but it was jsut one of those things i guess...

goood luck with midterms this week :(
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