Oct 05, 2006 23:41
1. If you could have a super power, which one would you have?
The Ability to control time. As in literally stop it in it's tracks
2. What would be your supername?
The time-inator.
3. Who would be your arch-nemesis and what would be their superpower?
The play button, of course.
4. Who would be your sidekick and would they have a superpower?
Most definitely, my cat, Bart :) it's cute and furry and always likes a little scritching :) His superpower is to be able to annoy the living shit out of me until I put food in his bowl. He's rather good at it too.
5. What would be your motto?
No rest for the wicked!
Of course I know that has nothing to do with time, I'm listening to Godsmack and it is just a good song :)
friday five