that explains a lot, actually.

Dec 04, 2009 16:02

Someone on my flist linked to this (Five Geek Social Fallacies), and man, I'd never looked at it this way before, but that explains about 90% of fandom drama right there. Huh.

I don't have to be at the theater until 5:30! That meant I actually had a whole afternoon to myself. Which I spent watching the end of S4 of HIMYM. SO MUCH LOVE, guys. Two minutes of that episode perfectly exemplified why I adore the Barney/Robin ship, alksdjfhalkl;alelk more ridiculous bickering leading into snogging YES PLEASE. (They are incapable of expressing feelings without spontaneously combusting!) Actually, this is a very good place for me to stop for now, until I get some confirmation that S5 will emerge from what I hear is its current pit of suckitude. I'll hold out until I hear better reports down the road. Incidentally, I have come to realize that I want Victoria to be The Mother really, really badly. I don't know why, but I do. I'm sick of the constant introduction of new (if temporary) love interests for Ted, I want to go back to someone we already know was awesome but whose timing unfortunately sucked (both hers and Ted's). Also, cupcakes. TED PUT A RING ON THAT, BAKED GOODS FOR LIFE.

And I had a semi-decent idea for my Yuletide fic at long last, thankfully, so maybe I can bang that thing out. I have never defaulted on a Yuletide and I've been participating since its very first year, I can do this. I'm good at getting in fic under deadline pressure. Which is good, because I'm CRAP at getting in long fic without any kind of deadline pressure, clearly (see: perpetually unfinished Doctor/Rose fic that I started a YEAR ago & post-CoE fix-it fic, goddamnit)., seriously, internet, why the lack of good Barney/Robin fic? I really don't get it. I've read three. THREE. I should not be able to ACTUALLY COUNT ON ONE HAND the number of good fic I've read for one of my OTPs. Even my small fandoms get more love than this! What the hell.

fandom: himym, ficcishness

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