here, have a distraction

Dec 02, 2009 10:55

First preview of show is tonight. I really wish that meant I wasn't working 15+ hour days anymore, but no such luck. I'm...really, really tired. This was not the greatest plan for my mental health, either. Oh, well.

I managed to write a page or so of Yuletide fic on the bus back from Thanksgiving in New York on Friday. I really like one paragraph of it. The rest, not so much, and there's still no coherent complete fic in my head yet, which is problematic. My brain is still mostly full of the Torchwood epic, which doesn't help, although I'm not making much progress there either. I'm just tired, and frustrated, and not feeling even remotely creative. I don't have time to see any of my friends, which makes me feel like a total flake and a bad friend, and I've had some sort of stomach bug since Sunday that isn't particularly drastic but just drains me that little bit more than I can afford right now. And I have a lighting design I need to do next Monday and Tuesday (my only days off from the show next week) and a production meeting for the next show I'm stage managing Tuesday, and ow ow ow there goes another stomach cramp.

Wow, I'm really in a delightful mood right now. Sorry about that. Here, have an awesome picspam: Actors pose for roles they played when they were younger. SO nifty!

And I normally don't participate in these, but I could use the boost right now:

woe is me

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