apropos of nothing

Aug 07, 2009 00:28

It must exist somewhere, but I'd really like to read the fic about how Torchwood reacts to the events in "Poison Sky"/"Sontaran Stratagem". I mean, we know from "Turn Left" that in a universe without the Doctor, team Torchwood would've been the ones to save the day (and, y'know, die in the process, but who's counting?), so it's logical to assume that even in the proper Whoniverse, they were plotting something to counter the Sontarans. And I want to read that fic, dammit.

I've seen it addressed as one tiny portion of a much longer fic, and that was good times, but there could always be more. The fun thing about the Whoniverse is its massive interconnectedness. For that matter, I've only read one fic telling CoE from other Whoniverse characters' perspective, which isn't nearly enough, either, but that narrative is a little too depressing for me to seek out right now. But there are are several Who episodes that involve massive Earth-based alien invasions that Torchwood would totally have responded to, and I'm in that sort of mood right now. Anyone?

(This post brought to you by kaydee's post-CoE fix-it WIP, which delves way too much into the broader Whoniverse for her own damn good.)

fandom: doctor who, fandom: torchwood

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