oh, hideous.

Aug 03, 2009 19:29

So I finally caved and realized that I was going to have to get a new driver's license, since I haven't lived in Illinois for well over a year now. So I got a Virginia license, which, man, I really do live in Virginia now, I guess. WEIRD. Anyway. It came in the mail today, and it is quite possibly the most hideous thing I have ever laid eyes on. I lucked out with my Illinois ID -- I actually looked cute in the photo, and it's kind of a nice, airy sort of design. The Virginia one is SO PAINFULLY UGLY WTF. And now that you're not allowed to smile for state ID photos -- which, yes, I realize, facial recognition software and that all that nonsense, but seriously, who wants a mug shot for their legal ID? And I have kind of a weird face, which is why smiling is my default facial expression, because it makes me look less unattractive. In this ID, I'm clearly trying to repress my natural inclination to smile, and kind of pressing my lips together, and I look so far beyond hideous and strange, it's kind of hilarious. Or would be, if this weren't my fucking legal identification for the next eight years, when it finally expires.

I'm going to be using my passport as ID for a LOT more than I should because of this. I look okay in my passport photo. You know why? BECAUSE I'M SMILING, you fascist assholes.

Alternately, I need to move out of Virginia and change IDs again. Which, given my record for staying in one place, is decent odds within the next year or so.

Alas, vanity!

epic fail, adventures in dc

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